
Also: roof over my head. I regularly pick that over travel. Oh, and food.

omg. The Scent of a Million Low Fat Chais.

excuse me you mean the LITERATI

I find people using funding websites to pay for their personal trips obnoxious as hell. A lot of people don’t have money to travel. They either don’t travel or save their money.

Or start a GoFundMe, IndieGoGo, etc asking your friends to help donate to your ~*DREAMS*~ because you are so amazing and are going to spread love and light through acroyoga and macrame to all of the people you meet on your special journey that will change your life. Please share this link because I’m so deserving! <3

Shit, a sojourn through Greece will never be cheaper than right now.

Yes! I can actually feel my teeth getting smaller from the grinding that ensues every time I read her vapid, self absorbed drivel. There is not enough wine in Napa to get me through a multi-hour event. God help the entire state of California if this thing was a multi-DAY event.

I can’t understand why people find “Eat, Pray, Love” to be such a literary work of art. I liked the part about all the eating, but that book made me hate this woman. She revealed herself to be a selfish, entitled navel-gazer of the most annoying sort. : Writing :: Bob Loblaw Law Blog : Legal scholarship

ace b spittin out word salad like

Did you read the one that describe Donald Trump as a corndog who stole an unattended wig and escaped the circus to become a presidential candidate? B/c that one was my favorite EVER.

Exactly, we’re talking about a motherfucker who went into a black owned restaurant and he was shocked, truly shocked, that everyone was on their best behavior and the service was good.

Bill O’Reilly is just a straight-up racist. He has no interest in learning or experiencing, simply demonizing. He’s appealing to his ‘scared old white people who’ve never met blacks’ audience, in part because he’s one of them.

Well exactly. He views himself as superior. My father is his biggest fan. My father was nice enough to pay for my education, but probably regrets it daily when I challenge every brainwashed piece of information that comes out of his mouth via Fox News.

“Exploitive” is the perfect word to describe this and every other segment Bill O’Reilly has about black people. If he cared so much about black homelessness and “black on black” crime, then why doesn’t he donate to programs that work to combat these problems? Simple answer: he doesn’t give a fuck. Bullies like to pick

These fox scum bags do not give one solitary fuck about these people. This has got to be the most exploitative thing I’ve seen on here in a long time.

Unfortunately, the majority of the people that watch Fox News aren’t yelling at their TV because they’re disgusted by what the anchors are saying; they’re yelling because they agree.

Damn, Jezebel writers killing it with the prose lately: ‘who looks like the result of a shameful one night stand between a Brooks Brothers suit and a copy of Atlas Shrugged’. Yes.