
Meryl, you go gurl.

One reason, among many, why she’s a badass.

Meryl be like to Congress rn.

Most actors aren't millionaires, though. There are a lot more bit actors than there are stars, they're the ones this issue really affects.

Not every actor is a millionaire.

It is hard not to be sympathetic to your POV. But, on the other hand, the people who are fucking over the actors are much more rich and getting richer by fucking over actors/writers/directors.

From someone who works with artists and in intellectual property - they weren’t always millionaires, and just because someone looks like one, it doesn’t necessarily follow that someone is one (the example that comes to mind off the top of my head b/c I don’t have a whole lot of time today is that scene out of Almost

And, think of all the old limey (60’s, 70’s, 80’s) actors who never saw a dime when their shows were put on DVD....

I’m more excited for Bennifer’s divorce than I was for my own parents’.

Netflix data is incredibly quantifiable. They track when people pause, ff, rewind. They track which images make them click. Netflix basically knows what you like to watch down to the frame. They center all of their promotional materials around data of what people watch. BUT they refuse to share their data. And SAG

It really is so mind-boggling how insignificant people think this shit is. I remember being in my ethics and technology class while in undergrad for my CS degree, and we had a lecture about online harassment and cyberbullying.

John Oliver loves bringing up the best, uncomfortable topics. And the response he gets is always what you expect: 10-15% people actually discussing it and making informed decisions, and the rest making fart noises with their mouths. He just happened to pick a topic that the douche canoes really, REALLY like making

to paraphrase j k rowling: you know, the internet is not just for asserting your “real manliness” compared to limp-wristed lefties like john oliver. penis pumps are also available for purchase. just saying.

cool story, bro. *thumbs up*

The other day I learned my step father really and truly believes that this does not happen and that white men are the true victims in society. This is coming from someone that was always the cool, liberal, artsy step-dad growing up. I was telling him about how upset I was when someone had sent me some truly vile

you are gross, and you know some seriously gross people. i’m not talking about your female shipmates. possibly you already know this about yourself and are continuing to be gross consciously; possibly you are not aware of just how gross you are and when you discover how gross you actually are, you will be devastated

I occasionally get close to a hundred comments against me on youtube weekly whenever I speak positively on Anita, or currently Emma and her mattress. But since all of them are death threatening misogynists, i like to give them a little hell and play with their brains. I know they are only brave with a dozens of

The “congratulations” quote is talking about people who doubt there is a disparity in the frequency and severity of poor treatment of women online compared to men on the basis of their race. If you’re someone who loves women and despises racism and injustice but think that women are in the habit of exaggerating or

I want to use this any time someone tries to victim blame for violence/rape against women. (Or anyone.) Strangers threatening RAPE to other strangers because they didn’t like a thing they wrote on the internet should make it CRYSTAL CLEAR that rape is not about dressing too sexy or being too drunk of whatever

Good for John Oliver. As a white male, I think a lot of it really does come down to not understanding or realizing how serious this is. There’s no excuse for that, of course. Most people aren’t self-aware enough to recognize their own privilege, let alone the hardships of others. It took me a long time to come to