

More importantly, the son of Susan St James.

Its her material but in counter claiming she would compromise her anonymity which would then compromise her career.

Vogue profiles are so insufferable no matter who the subject is, but Cara genuinely sounds pretty cool and grounded. I can’t imagine what it must have been like to have a parent with a serious addiction.

love is so niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice! yay for cara and st. vincent.

did you read any of the actual article? she claims she DOES own the music, but because her anonymous blog is anonymous and exposing her identity could cost her her job, friends, family, etc, she didn’t want to risk counter-notifying and revealing her legal name.

Same here. I hope she is back up with a a new site soon.

Possibly trolls trying to dox her?

It was an advice column/Q&A thing where Coquette gave really glib, mean answers to everyone. I loved it!

My mom put a scorpion in the freezer once, claiming when we thawed it out it’d come back to life.

Open Source Spells is a great name for a zine.

I read this in J14 or Teen Vogue or something, must’ve been a dozen years ago at least! I remember it was like, a one-page interview with a teen girl self-identified witch, and she called it the “Bully Freeze” spell.

I’ve got a couple of people I need to add to the freezer. Preferably in pieces. But I’ll settle for their names.

What is with the tone of this?! I’m bi, and I have no problem with ‘straight’ girls saying this - maybe they’re not straight and this is how they’re finding out? Why are they not allowed to express that they have an unexpected attraction? It’s not taking anything away from me.

I just love it when someone comes unexpectedly knocking on my door then openly judges my appearance. I’m a baker and I work from home, so I’ve been caught sweaty, harried, in flour-covered, chocolate-spattered clothes more times than I can count. It’s usually the Christ Ladies and they always give me this

I’m going to try this, why not. I’m not usually one to do spells, but if it doesn’t harm them or anyone else, and could help in them leaving me and my family alone...why not. I tried a spell once on a whim, and it actually worked, so why not. Thanks for the tip!

This is cuh-ray-see. Summer in south Tejas means wearing the least amount of clothing possible. I also just chopped my hair off in preparation of the heat. #ComfortOverEverything

Remember the time the Danish Royal Family painted themselves as a VC Andrews cover? I wonder if they’re trying to tell us something ...

Trend Alert: Women are wearing what they want to wear.

So no mention of the weird marriage where the wife forces the husband to act out sex scenes from romance novels? And we’re not talking the good ones, these were the 80s-pirate-rape ones.