
Yes the GOP Sharia Law. What’s next? Honor deaths? Public stoning of women?

That’s so cool.

Intellectually I understand the concepts, but I still don’t know how to address them in an everyday way.

So why am I so insanely jealous now that I see him around with this other girl?


That’s dickish, holier-than-thou, controlling bullshit.

how do you distract yourself?

The only non-psycho way I can think of to get other people to judge you less harshly is to judge them less harshly.

This isn’t even worth mocking at this point - this is just....sociopathic.

That being said, 41? Wow.... It just seems an astronomical number.

I would punch Ted Cruz in the face if I could

I’m a fan of Trader Joes white cheddar and shells. Good stuff.

This is everything.

it seams that ANYthing a man does can be seen as unwanted sexual attention.

where i was being hit on or stared at by some creeper and i wish i would have just straight up punched them in the face

Also I would like to thank middle school boys for ruining forever the experience of eating a banana without worrying about looking to fellatio-ey.

So years ago, a tailor I know told me a great story: she and a stylist went to Liz’s house in LA for a fitting. Late, after midnight. Racks and racks of clothes were set up in a bedroom and Liz walks in wearing a nightgown (not sexy or

Here’s the straight dope on De Beers and their decades long long-con.

Basic as shit.

Who the fuck is that? And who punched her in the mouth?