
Who the fuck is that? And who punched her in the mouth?

well ya, except Steven Tyler pants

I agree with more over the top, but it looks more Daytime Emmys than Country.

If Steven Tyler didn’t have the moustache, he’d look like someone’s rocker aunt, a la the Banger Sisters.

its Country Music awards, its the way it supposed to be.

Jez would still be talking about what a beast Betty is.

If they weren’t doing this, they’d be rubbing their initials into their forearms with erasers.

She’s the oldest child of an alcoholic and she’s going to keep everything tamped down.

I haven’t spent time in Thailand / Vietnam / Cambodia. But friends that have traveled there liked Laos because it was less tourist-y. The way Thailand used to be 20 years ago.

Where do you want to go? How much do you want to spend?

She ended up throwing a “red carpet Hollywood premiere” themed party.

We used to take our towels, tuck the end corners under our bathing suits straps and run around the pool (and jumping in of course) as Wonder Woman. Good times.

I can’t stand those sanctimommy articles a lot of the new moms seems to be posting lately...

Nothing could be more appropriate than replacing Jackson with a Cherokee woman. Absolutely nothing.

and a couple burning tires

Caribou played the day before Brochella at Pappy and Harriet's. Sadly I had to work.

That’s a great idea. That stuff seriously works!

My aunt lives in Indonesia and everytime I visit I have to bring her 5 big bottles of Skin-So-Soft. That shit really works for mosquitos (which are plentiful there). Mosquito coils work well, but then you have choking smoke wafting up from below the table while you eat dinner.

A year ago NY Mag had a great cover article: 26 women tell stories about their abortions.

•$391 — Easter bunny costume