
the only thing society remembers is that horrid swan dress she once wore.

lol whoops

PJ yes. Bjork yes. Tori no.

I fucking hate that, and have not figured out yet how to cope with it

NY Times just had a great Op-Ed about this. The comments are very telling.

Now playing

Such a great song to dance to. Plus everything Nile Rodgers touches is gold.

Now playing

Love Donna Summer. The sexiest disco song ever.

Love it. I'd wear it if it wasn't *pink*. Red definitely.

It's like a really bad infomercial with really bad *actors*.

That's amazing. I'd fly those colors.

Religion needs to be banned from government

bite me

Worried about my health and weight gain. Do any of you feel the same?

Thanks for the podcast.

college is supposed to be the time where you start figuring out how to not give a fuck.

OMG. The Handmaid's Tale. If you guys haven't read it, run to the library or your local bookstore and get it. If the GOP has it's way, this is the direction we are heading. Scary.

it'd be a step forward if the anti-abortion people in general started holding men responsible for their part in the unwanted pregnancies of women

as entertainingly bad as Showgirls

That person, that's who's wrong.

If you need me, I'll be at the Palm Springs Goodwill, desperately hunting for the nearest thing. (Also some more caftans.)