
It was a lot of fun! Kate McKinnon was great! Thor was great! Everyone was great! but some of the tie-ins to the original Ghostbusters were a little too forced. I was excited to see a sequel where they could just have like, a standalone movie. Oh well.

I’m just going to check Jez before I go to sleep and....

Baby Boomers:

Ah, thank you for clarifying! It is easy to misread comments on the internets.

I think that only fits if it goes one step further, where Boomer grandparent doesn’t understand why their grandkids aren’t as excited about seeing grandma and grandpa as we were.

And guess who’s going to be caring for them in 10-20 years! Thanks, daughter/daughter-in-law! Sorry we couldn’t help with your kids, now would you mind wiping my butt?

This is one of the practical problems that arises when traditionally feminine labor (childcare, housekeeping, cleaning, emotional caretaking, etc.) are basically invisible in economic terms. They’re devalued culturally, and it’s only when women are more absorbed into professional workplaces (leaving them unable to do

Why does daycare cost so much when the average daycare worker (including those with masters’ degrees in early childhood and whatnot) makes maybe $11/hour (or less)? Insurance?

It’s so insane though...I worked in a good center that seemed to charge on par with what daycare centers cost, and I barely made $9/hr. Overhead is insane. There needs to be more subsidies, because when you can only pay $9/hr anyone who is very good at their job quickly moves into private nannying or becomes a

I’m choosing to read this as a “Boomers are selfish” narrative.

Nannies sound like a luxury, but if your only other option is daycare, and if you have more than one kid, they do end up being the cheaper option for a lot of families, crazily enough. But overall, our country has a serious, serious problem with childcare. There are no decent affordable options for most people. We

An individual nanny only costs $20 an hour. For two children, that is the same as afterschool care, and substantially less than summer camp costs. Nannies are not the luxury, supervised care is the luxury. Or, indeed work, if you’re not earning north of $30 an hour.

The whole point of this article is that historically grandparents did have a bigger role in childcare. Meaning, in effect, that the grandparents in this article were receiving as much free childcare from their parents as their kids are expecting from them. I’m not saying society can’t change, I’m just saying these

My grandmother did it for my mom so I expect her to do the same. There would be whole weeks when she was on a business trip and we’d be with our gramma. It’s only fair, especially since she tells me all the time to respect family traditions. And she pushed me to get an advanced degree, so it’s time to pay the piper.

Amber Wolf for SCOTUS

Sure, that’s fair, again, I haven’t watched every minute of that show. It’s just every time I look in, someone is being raped. I will say that with the servant girl who was raped, the fallout I saw was largely about her loss of marriage prospects (though the show treated that as an historically realistic, but

That's not the point and that's not going to happen. The point is that you can't have your protagonist raping someone without turning him into an antagonist, which this show presumably does not want to do.

I don’t know how meaningful this is, but my girlfriend and I agree on about 90% of the shows we watch. In situations where our tastes diverge (setting aside home renovation and British people making muffins), her shows (Game of Thrones, Outlander...) have an almost comical amount of raping. It’s every fucking episode

He’s either cheating on her or he’s actually playing Pokémon Go until 5 a.m.

I nominate THIS woman to replace that ass clown Scalia on the Supreme Court.