
That was close.

In such a situation, it it far too easy to mistake the velocitator for the deceleratrix.

This is the most Jalop hit and run ever.

A Volvo 240 (Jalop sweetheart) rear ends the only TSX wagon in the country (another sweetheart) with what looks like an early 90s Celica looking on, what are the odds?

There's not much to say about this article. The headline says it all.

I always wondered if the badge on the Miata Club Edition was a subtle wink to the Alfa Romeo clover. I think it might be!


You're not a nutjob, Michael. I too love the rear of a Ford GT. I also love the front of a Ford GT. I love the top of a Ford GT. I love the bottom of a Ford GT. I love the sides of a Ford GT. I love the interior of a Ford. ♥

Chill out. I'm a surveyor by trade so it was easy

Looks like Chris Harris is slumming it......