That sounds like way more spent on tires than I'm willing to pay.
That sounds like way more spent on tires than I'm willing to pay.
Yeach, dynamos are spun by the car, plus they cost around 30 grand. I don't want to think about the cost of it plus electric motors to spin it up.
Because you'd be wasting power to power the car. Unless the conversion is at least 70% and installation doesn't cost 30 grand it isn't feasible vs a cable.
What I want to know more, how can dragging it 1 mile give it 10 miles of charge. Regenerative breaks can't possibly be that efficient.
It apparently was incredibly easy from what I’ve heard. Apparently the Switch is only running on modified 3DS software rather than a brand new one built from scratch. This is basically a repeat of the Wii and Gamecube as that was also a time emulation came so quickly. It was even easier this time though as the 3DS…
Well as time goes on their chances of stopping it keep getting farther away. Courts have constantly supported emulation in the past and presidence is how law works, especially in the US. The law basically allows any emulator to exist, as long as it doesn't come with the original devices code, is free, and doesn't come…