
I would prefer to keep the bugs if they’d released a game in scope anywhere near what they marketed.

I don't see it. He said they should be able to show a male friendship with intimacy that isn't gay and, at least my interpretation of it was, that pretending it might be something else was explorative. I did catch the bit about fandoms needing to stop reading into things as well but that was hardly homophobic

Ummm, nope. And it’s honestly strange you read it that way.  

Everyone who disagrees with you is not a homophobe.  Most are probably allies who you will ultimately drive away.

This is what happens when schools teach kids how to put condoms on vegetables but don’t teach them financial literacy.

They’ll just have to find Tobey from wherever he's hiding after everyone learned from "Molly's Game" he's a legitimate real-life sociopath

This all sounds terrible.

Any time I support an American company, I am in turn supporting a regime that denies climate change, supports capital punishment, and allows its citizens to die en masse to a preventable disease.

Im sure someone will do better

You couldn’t pay me to watch it.

If fantasy is a problem (as opposed to reality) then anyone playing violent video games is a potential murderer.

Many commenters here are... rather prudish, you could say. It seems to be a trend recently, especially in the US.

You think attraction is creepy then.

Mental maturity never enters into the calculus of “Is this female physically attractive” which is what is being discussed.

Sexually mature teenagers /= children.

But it will surely go back once we have the working vaccine and theaters can re-open. I will go see Marvel movie, even a bad one like Thor Dark World, in a heartbeat once those goals are met.

No Cabin in the Woods?  No This is the End?

I love the Fright Night remake, David Tennant is amazing (duh).

I’d add the remake of Fright Night, which is surprisingly funny.