I would prefer to keep the bugs if they’d released a game in scope anywhere near what they marketed.
I would prefer to keep the bugs if they’d released a game in scope anywhere near what they marketed.
This is what happens when schools teach kids how to put condoms on vegetables but don’t teach them financial literacy.
Any time I support an American company, I am in turn supporting a regime that denies climate change, supports capital punishment, and allows its citizens to die en masse to a preventable disease.
If fantasy is a problem (as opposed to reality) then anyone playing violent video games is a potential murderer.
Many commenters here are... rather prudish, you could say. It seems to be a trend recently, especially in the US.
You think attraction is creepy then.
Mental maturity never enters into the calculus of “Is this female physically attractive” which is what is being discussed.
Sexually mature teenagers /= children.
While the fans do love Paradise, I think 3 is by far the fan favorite of the Burnout series. 3 is still the best the formula has ever been in my opinion, having linear race tracks was so much better than an open world and a GPS you had to try and follow.
They lost me at “open world”. Burnout is awful in the open world format, as evidenced by Burnout Paradise. All they need to do is make a new Dangerous Driving game like the first one, but with an actual budget. That game was great for what it was, but it was so lacking in presentation, UI, music, etc.
Wow, in the US that kind of business savvy gets you the Oval Office.
Google: “No, you misunderstand. We’ll pay you in exposure”.
Daaaaaaaang. Check and mate.
Sure let me Google that for you
To be fair, the show itself is just stuntmen in cosplay most of the time.
Still looks like pre-rendered PS2/PS3 JRPG cutscenes.. if not cheaper..
But hey.. At least the 3D Lupin movie looks freaking amazing!
Only 85% left till disappointment.
No, it’ll just get truncated to SexBox.