It’s this generation’s Howard the Duck, minus the cult status after the box office failure.
It’s this generation’s Howard the Duck, minus the cult status after the box office failure.
Easy.. Streets of Rage, over and over again for years on end. Everything about SoR was perfect at the time, addictive gameplay, second to non collision detection, amazing designs and the best soundtrack to game fit like glovery ever. Then Streets of Rage 2 came along... BOOOOM! The golden era!
Are you old enough to remember the video games grey import market during the 80 and 90s, in the West? Well that’s the console scene in China right now and has been since the PlayStation 2, you’ve been able to buy the most popular consoles up to today’s current gen. Imports, though breaking the law... are ignored in…
It’s going to take something drastic for me to buy another Switch as I already have two. Mostly I’d like double the battery life considering it’s pretty crap right now. Then I’d want the Pro to have a bigger screen to go full tablet and an internet browser and apps too. Probably triple the battery life in that case.
I’ll forgive them then... maybe... but Tekken X Street Fighter was announced in 2010, four years before Smash U.
Namco? What a joke... Namco is one of those “friends” who bullshit you all the time. They did that to Capcom when they were supposed to do a Tekken X Street Fighter. They didn’t even do a demo.
Some do and some don’t. It goes against the human senses which is why some get VR sickness. You managed to train yourself out of the symptoms unlike some. As for myself, I jumped straight to it, no sickness. Most can adapt.
There isn’t a way to deal with it, I don’t think..... It’s been explained that because what you see is simulating total movement via VR yet your body isn’t feeling it, that’s what’s affecting some of you. Pretty sure there isn’t a way to combat it unless you train yourself out of it...
You won’t get your FE fix, I bought it thinking like you to some degree... But I didn’t regret buying it because it’s addictive. For one thing, it’s playing field is so small... it’s a unique chess-like strategy game with a bit of tic tac toe.
Here in England it’s happened already, couple of weeks back. Bought it only for the Arwing, at what you guys would call $20. It’s tanking hard and we’ll see no more of this kinda thing for a long time after.
That’s not being disputed by me. HK producing some excellent movies doesn’t stop it’s movie industry being crappy as a whole. When was the last time Hong Kong had an internationally renowned or known film? By that I don’t mean by film critics but us general populace. Ip Man? That was 10 years ago... Keep in mind I…
They don’t mind one bit via repetition. Everything is different, not just CGI quality. For instance most of their movies and tv shows are not grounded in reality, any part of it. For instance their acting is just plain bad and everybody acts the same within their stereotyped character. Lots of posing and blue steel. C…
Uhm... the censoring makes it even more erotic?!
Is it normal-ish in Korean society? I mean forgive me for thinking this and basing this on Korean TV.... I’ve watched a fair few Korean films and tv dramas... a very common theme that shocked me and still does, is that underlings (in any walks of life) get smacked about regularly. Most of the time around the back of…
In some cases even better than the arcade, e.g. Soul Calibur DC and DOA2 quality wise.
Yeah we played the heck out of Soul Calibur and Power stone too and man, Virtua Tennis.... what an experience that was. 4 players many a night! Many hi fives and many arguments haha!
God was too late.... The German company Tivola already had the orange swirl as their logo hence we Europeans had the blue swirl. Both logos were almost identical. It was pretty common knowledge back in the day.
Glad you experienced the DC. Hope you are more prosperous now. Me and my friend bought the actual games and my other bud never did and ripped everything.
Nintendo should well know a white or SFC themed Switch would get people buying a (or second) Switch. Alas... as we comedically say, Nintendo hates money.
Wow really? That’s some dedication and then some!