It’s rare but they are allowed. Ng Mui being the most famous of all.
It’s rare but they are allowed. Ng Mui being the most famous of all.
That’s one of the best faux trailers ever. Makes me miss the 80s so damn much.
Your Name needs to be seen by everybody and for that to happen, I am fully supportive of a Hollywood remake. Solely because so many, if not the majority of people out there refuse to watch masterpieces in animated form and especially anime. This should be a painless transfer if Hollywood don’t alter too much.
AOS got better with each episode and it continued to be so, making last season the best yet.
Damn good film as well.
Good then. I can’t imagine the other Kingsman film other than Vaughn’s.
Just watched a good clear video of the figures and eggs. Well... The figures are almost as bad.... They don’t look like or have the same quality as the mock-ups. Instead... The real figures have a cheap gloss shine and the sculpt quality is the same as figures that cost around $15-20. In my view... The figures and…
Poster artist: “m-m-must g-get as much face, boob and b-butt as p-possible!!! Ungh!!”
Haha even Liefield’s photos turn out like that!
Now that you got that off your chest.... The question was, do you stand up whilst playing your switch? Not the too cool4skool, are you “done” with Nintendo?
Or Akira starring Vin Diesel.
Ah that’s alright... Stone is Chinese Hawaiian... Minmay is Chinese Japanese... Tomato, pineapples.
Yeah I know that, but if a full Caucasian in Skrein was cast before then a Japanese actor with an accent isn’t bad. Besides... Not many of the cinema goers would have known the real Daimo didn’t have an accent. And like I said, Kenishiro would have brought in those much needed East Asian dollars. Ignoring that... I’m…
Oh wow.... DDK has such presence and gravitas... To know he said that, makes it extra sad. Star Wars has no excuse... LOTR I can understand if it was an allegory for his experiences in WWI with a dash of WWII.
I like DDK and I don’t mind him playing a Japanese American. Though why didn’t they tap up people like Takeshi Kenishiro? He’s fluent in English, Japanese, Cantonese and Mandarin! He’d bring in some extra dollars in East Asia.
Haha yeah.
Yes that emit deadly spirits and holy lightening! Why that’s more believable don’t you know!
Just get any yes-man to do it... TFA is boring and whatever sequels that produces won’t interest me. TFA tarnish.... I’m simply not into this arc. I’ll watch them mind you, just because it’s freaking Star Wars. But yeah, any yes-man can direct ep9... Get it over and done with quick.
Not that he’d get the chance but he shouldn’t direct any of the movies connecting to TFA... Let that story be done with and do something new for Star Wars, which is unlikely anyway because Lucas is obsessed with origins and inbetweenies....
Yeah like getting conned... Poor fellows.