
SSX goddamn Tricky! I did everything with every character in that game! Everything about it was amazing.

Finally we have the ins and outs, the hard facts on this much discussed subject.

I understand Adam Driver’s advice. I closed my eyes and stuck my fingers into my ears until I went to see TFA. Such a let down after all the waiting. Not doing that again! I’ll be watching the trailers this time round.

I went in not knowing and it took me good while and a few instances of “he looks familiar..” It’s not like he wore a fat suit or facial prosthetics either! Just a moderate beard and darker hair. But once you realised it was Evans, his acting was still unlike anything I’ve seen him in. Though I know the directing was

I know it’s personal opinion but Snow Piercer is the movie that showed Evans has range, not Captain America. He is unrecognisable in looks and acting in Snow Piercer.

This Attack on Titan seems familiar somehow...

Regrading Star Trek.... Can we please get back to having a more cerebral experience? Also.... Can they stop with the “they used to be one of us” villains? And no more human skullduggery. Can’t there be a straightforward bad vs good?

That is exactly what has gone down. Obviously we don’t have proof... But to use Zemekis’s now fitting phrase “this current corporate Disney has no interest in”... Dark.

Regarding Michelle Yeoh.. Here I was wondering if they had enough cajones to cast an East Asian as the captain of the main cast. It seems not... Doesn’t surprise me one bit.

They don’t look kind of ugly. Purely a subjective opinion. Adding deeper blacks doesn’t make it any better. It’s made it different of course but not from the so called “ugly” to better looking.

Hang on there.... So console player joins PC master race to play other PCMRs?

Oh my god... I couldn’t see the video as I temporarily went blind due to all the mad noise some people make these days.

Because it’s a well made piece of collectible art, with a limited run?

Looking at that blueprint... I should get the same result if I just scrunched it all up into ball.

Damn! Why does it not have an all star cast of white German actors who are also fluent in Japanese? 

That’s nothing, just waiting on R2D2 and CP3PO.

Most just care about Kato including myself. But as you can see reading through that article.... They still don’t get it.

Nah, Green Hornet should be the women.

Good call, get the talentless, ex-convict, alien looking version of Jackie Chan to play a martial arts chauffeur. Oh he doesn’t know martial arts either.. But yeah... Good call because he’s Jackie Chan’s son.