My god. These butthurt uber-partisans need to get the fuck over it. Peter is right. Are there two more useless politicians than Schumer and Pelosi?They’re awful. Just awful.
My god. These butthurt uber-partisans need to get the fuck over it. Peter is right. Are there two more useless politicians than Schumer and Pelosi?They’re awful. Just awful.
You mean that you don’t remember reading any articles about Ocasio-Cortez except this article by Clio Chang on March 22 and this other article by Emma Roller on May 30, right? You mean that before posting this demonstrably false bullshit comment you didn’t bother to use the Kinja search function? I don’t want to put…
For starters, Favreau joined the astro-turfing United States of Care to stifle Medicare For All. Second, he wrote an article that said (as best I can recall) “we need republicans around to keep spending under control.” His take on Ocasio-Cortez’s win was that she had a “great ad.” Shit like that is vapid and I…
They serve as a release valve for any potential left leaning energy from the democrat party. “Hush now with your demands and wants and enjoy some failed foreign policy from the Obama years.” “Here is some insight from Mark Warner.”
Calm down, friend. I appreciate your concern for my well being. You should know I don’t even have a twitter account.
I have no idea what purpose PSA serves. It’s not funny. It’s not insightful. It’s basically the same shit you hear on MSNBC. I mean, what is the fucking point? Do we need to hear a bunch of dicks bro-down about how amazing the democrats are?
Just imagine being the less liked and talented Jon Favraeu.
I hate them too! So smug, self entitled, and not at all clever or humorous. In 2016 they said anyone worried about Trump was a bed-wetter. Well, the chosen one shit the bed.
I feel ashamed to admit it but it wasn’t until some time in 2017 I learned he’s NOT the guy who directed Iron Man.
We all bare our crosses.
But, no, yeah, let’s keep doing the same thing and expect a different result!
PSA is total garbage. It’s the same level of discourse you’d hear on any given night at the public policy frat at Syracuse. I have to stop thinking about it. I’m getting too worked up.
“Who is this person? How come nobody told me about her?” asks press that spent airtime pointing cameras at podiums hoping Trump would show to talk
I feel ashamed to admit this, but Favreau’s twitter makes me irrationally angry. So much so that I will quote his twitter to friends and I can’t understand why they think I’m off my rocker. It used to be Peter Daou was my go-to for getting righteously pissed off, but JonFavs is my guy.
A good point. But most progressive ideas are popular nationwide. Sanders went and talked to a bunch of coal miners who supported Trump, and had them agreeing with him on issues like health care. To say that a progressive can’t win in a deep red state when their basic ideas are popular with the majority of americans,…
Barely managing to scrape a win over a child molester is cool and all, but you do know that Jones has been a lame duck from the moment he took the oath of office, right? Alabama is going to punt him into the sun first chance they get, in favor of the closest non-molesting facsimile of Roy Moore they can dig up.
And once again you are exactly the problem. You care more about the letter next to the name than what the person stands for. Sure he votes exactly like a republican, but he has a D next to his name so that makes it ok? How'd that shit work out for Hillary? Have a bitch fit all you want about purity tests, this is…
The upstate student proudly knows nothing about of which he speaks.
Jones v. Moore was a big win for the Democrats.
So Jones voting with Trump is a good thing because he's a democrat. Sure thing, guy.
As a New Yorker, I LOVE this. She’s a great example of the perfect type of candidate for her district. She ran on issues that were right for her district and understood people better than Crowley did. And this comes from someone that was looking forward to him taking over leadership from Pelosi.