
In this context, because of the structure of the joke, it actually was more appropriate to start by saying Bruce Jenner, because when the change was made, it was made by Bruce. Caitlyn Jenner is who she is now, and has not changed since she transitioned. Especially considering that Bruce was a very public figure for a

Ricky Gervais is fucking awesome.

While I find this as pointless and silly as most bits of viral social justice art (“This Photo Shoot Proves There’s No Such Thing As Fat”), how is it racist? What’s racist about it? That doesn’t make any sense.

By “not talk about it” do you mean don’t be a whiny Social Justice Warrior who shouts at other white people for cultural appropriation and acts all uppity because they know all the latest Buzzfeed buzzwords, or do you mean “shut up because you’re white”? A “white person” who expresses outrage at racism and bigotry is