
Laser-inth is one of my favorite episodes from this season, in part because it was a lot of fun playing "spot the classic rock/prog reference" game. I caught lyrical/musical allusions to Rush, Queen, Pink Floyd, and Styx, and I'm sure there are more.

I think part of the outrage/issue is that Birth of a Nation basically tanked and lost any chance it had at awards season (in the eyes of the media when it came out, at least) after Nate Parker's rape case from 1999 came back into light (he was acquitted, but the alleged accomplice was convicted, but then granted a

Valley Eisley is best Eisley. Perfect mix of the different moods and styles they were all capable of between the dreamy/childlike side, rocking side, and heartbreak side.

Between Marilyn and Isabella, Gene certainly has a type.

She wasn't in on poisoning Joffrey. If she was there'd be no need for Olenna to explain "do you really think I'd let you marry him? Now go seduce Tommen."

Was this episode aired out of order? Shouldn't Louise be surprised Mr. Frond is dating Gayle before the Thanksgiving episode?

I've seen this song every time I've seen them live (just 4 times) and the way the song's energy is just amplified a thousand times has made it my favorite Rush song. It's got such a great groove while also being flashy, and poetic lyrics that are also relatable. It's just a masterpiece.

Hey now, that's not true! Megadeth has been getting progressively worse since Rust in Peace!

If the musicians weren't out murdering people or getting killed, the music wasn't real. Probably the only thing Black Metal and Rap purists have in common. :)

Plenty of metal bands do that already. It's not unique to Deafheaven, which is where my personal annoyance comes in with how lots of critics treat them. If you like Deafheaven, I'd check out Alcest's second album.

Totally agree. I liked Sunbather a lot (and this one's even better), but I kept getting irritated at all the reviews who hadn't done their research proclaiming it to be something totally new. Sunbather is more like the best example of what Alcest and Wolves in the Throne Room have been doing for a while, without

Totally agree about Science/Visions. Its definitely Lauren's vocal high point between both albums.

Coheed and Cambria, on Good Apollo Vol 1. had the songs "Apollo I: The Writing Writer" and "Apollo II: The Telling Truth." Both used the same melody and choruses, but with different lyrics, and "Apollo II" has this great breakdown section and callbacks to their earlier songs "Blood Red Summer" and "Everything Evil."

Barry doesn't walk in making a "generic guitar noise." He walks in singing Jacob's Ladder by Rush. How dare you, sir! :)

I really like this album. I don't agree with the length argument, everything is pretty well-paced and well-structured. I think my favorite is "After the Fall."

I never really got into Presto the way I've gotten into other Rush albums. It's got some great songs, and I can't think of anything as cringeworthy as "Tai Shan," "Rivendell," or "Dog Years," but it's just okay.

I don't think I can blame him entirely for the Office. The writers could have kept him defined as a character and instead made him the most unlikable person in the world in season 9.

Its a great album. Definitely better than AOTY and the first two. I'm not a huge fan of Separation Anxiety or Black Friday, but the other songs are so damn good it makes up for it. Nothing touches Angel Dust or King for a Day, but this album is definitely an example of older bands still able to make something new and

I think it makes sense given Hardy's day-to-day ignorance or refusal to acknowledge some human emotional responses and how to deal with them. He asks Miller if she's all right all the time, sure, but he doesn't really have any idea how he could actually help her.

There weren't really any hints that it was Joe until they asked Tom to be questioned a second time, and you saw Joe was visibly bothered by something, and that Susan saw someone who looked like Nigel (bald) move Danny's body. But I think the sudden reveal is kind of the point and makes for a very depressing ending: