I respect Neko Case. But this isn’t making it for me. And the somewhat retro video isn’t helping.
I respect Neko Case. But this isn’t making it for me. And the somewhat retro video isn’t helping.
Made it 38 seconds and couldn’t take anymore.
He will always be Perseus to me...
Oh my god, whatever is the world coming to when we can't buy a ticket to see a bunch of abused animals paraded about for our own amusement? Well, not at the circus anyways. But still - the humanity!
This fuckstick just tweeted “.@RinglingBros is retiring their elephants— the circus will never be the same.”
I think Gabby’s hair is it’s own uncontrollable entity. It deserves it’s own cast credit in Transparent.
This is one of those times when you should use the caps to indicated ‘My Stepson, My Lover’ is a title.
This movie is a classic. And so is my stepson, my lover.
He has a 350,000 dollar house!
I’ve looked at some of the evidence that wasn’t presented on the show and it doesn’t look good for Avery. There’s so much weird stuff though. Who does that good a job cleaning up the crime scene and then just leaves the victim’s jeep on their property? He’s smart enough for one, but not the other? It’s weird. I want…
What about Brendan? I think he got the shittiest end of the stick and should also be getting some free legal counsel.
You should watch it. What those people did is disgusting. Especially to Brendan Dassey. His lawyer was just ....UGH! Be prepared for a good range of infuriated emotions!
Also, here are some good pics from a vice reporter that got invited to a party there:
Just what I was going to say - Holly tried to update but Hugh was not having it. (I watched too and feel no shame - sort of) I remember thinking that parts of the place must reak of old cologne, smegma and booze. It just seemed icky and sticky, like Hugh must feel. Still, I am sure there is some tool out there that…
At least 50 workers...have been terminated.
LA is so weird to me! It’s the only place I know that is both madly in love with itself AND perfectly happy bulldozing over its own history.
“I don’t like when old houses get torn down:(“
80-90% of the time they really don’t NEED to be, it’s just the mcSleezy developers crowbar people into *thinking* they do.
We were going through old pictures & my brat of a daughter wanted to know what was up with my hair. The 90s. The 90s was what was up with my hair. And I was adorable.
My 4th grade class partook in a project of some sort that involved writing H.W. a letter that contained a specific question. Mine asked what he ate that caused him to barf all over his Japanese equivalent.
For some people of a certain age, this is like the Kennedy assassination. I can remember exactly where I was, who I was with and what we were doing at the moment I learned Bush had puked in a guy’s lap at dinner.