
fuck Carvana, but also major fuck Michigan’s Secretary of State agency. every office I’ve ever been in, for anything, has been an absolute clusterfuck and you basically have to take a day off work to accomplish anything as they always close early and anything you want to do takes hours

They need to tax the fuck out of these monstrosities for the damage they do to our shit infrastructure. It's also obscene that anyone with a normal license can possibly tow 36k pounds with this.

Inflation Reduction Act sends message of “there is no freedom”.

agreed, this thing is gross. the ecoboost front end is at least fairly clean compared the garish gt front end.

the times article is paywalled

I loved the parallel twin in my F800R, even if it didn’t sound that cool. The torque curve was flat across the rev range, coming on at like 2k, which was great for daily driving. I could also beat the I4 crotch rockets out of corners at the tight road course near me; it made up for my poor cornering skills.

It looks downright quaint compared to the monsters on the road today

well, it’s a better deal than the Lesabre GS that was posted before, but still a wild ND

these are pretty fun, cheap, and easy to work on. would be a NP at $5k but $10k is fucking ridiculous. These weren’t worth shit a few years ago.

ah yes big shitty corporation cutting employees right after ceo sees insane explosion of wealth, classic

the rehearsal reviews were also recaps. I'm just here for the comments but should really be going elsewhere for reviews.

Are you planning on putting the dog in the hatch? One of these works just fine in a sedan-

in market segment that doesn’t exist (for good reason)“

At my fifth company in seven years, making almost triple the salary I started with. I do intend to stay at this current role 4+ years (equity vest), but it was absolutely worth jumping around for a few years to get to this point.

this is a great option. someone in my family has one, and I had a fost for almost 8 years. the fost was still more fun to drive, but the caddy is quicker to 60 mph and will definitely be nicer to commute in on the post-war michigan roads.

holy shit, this is extra gross

any Element less than 14k will have a shit ton of miles on it

oh man you just unlocked some ancient memories. thank you.

