
The post you’re responding to is a butt joke. It’s literally about how Sombra doesn’t have a large ass.

South America? Isn’t she Mexican? The only South American character in Overwatch is Lucio. You comment is a little creepy, but I guess more body types, especially for the female characters, can only be a good thing.

To be fair, Nintendo is known for their quality control. For example the Nintendo DS was designed to withstand a 6 foot drop onto concrete and still be playable..

This. They could probably sell a portable pack themselves if they want to make some more profit.

Conceivably all they would need to do is give it a decent (~5 hour) battery life, and then allow for it to be charged through battery packs. Give it those two things and they should be fine

Anti-intellectualism is such a sad and potentially destructive trend in our culture.

For me the most interesting part of this story is that PewdiePie wants his money back. I mean, that’s a dick move, isn’t it?

Maybe you missed the part where it was 78% positively reviewed on steam. If that’s shit to you, you must make some incredible games.

Maybe PewDiePie should review his own shit game that was worse.