
It’s just incredible to me that people can find all these tiny little things to bitch about dining and still keep doing it. Especially considering those are the people getting the bit of black mold under qthe counter in thier appetizers. I’m annoyed with just about everything when it comes to dining out. The people,

You know i would be all for that if it were applied to cigarettes as well. But it's not so fuck that. You'd really rather deal with second hand tobacco instead of weed. That's like allowing all these different places people drive to so they can drink instead of smoke out. Which of the two causes accidents and death?

I’ve never been confused nor needed proof that the whole racism was just more acceptable back then argument is just rubbish. They were bad people when it was more acceptable to be bad people and they don't get a pass for continuing to be horrible people in thier final years nor do they deserve any forgiveness. They

Dear Sam. Just go kill yourself. That child will be better off without your influence. As it stands either the child will grow up to be just as much of a douche canoe as you or he will grow to be well adjusted and hate you as he should. I’m not just telling you to go kill yourself, I’m making it clear how people would

Just another example of how fortnite is casual garbage. What else can you expect from a game that uses bloom to rng your hits with anything but a shotty. The whole game is a coin flip. Hell, if you're entering a room from the left of a hallway and there's an enemy there you're done because you can't shoulder swap so

Lol fat shaming is pretty much a public service in america. Theres many people who are fat for reasons beyond thier control but theres even more that are just abusing thier bodies and making themselves a disgusting, moist, obstructive inconvenience to others. Culture should not celebrate disgusting behavior or

Wtf is with these articles blaming fans for bad movies. I get called racist online for hating black panther and being a white guy. Well my black boyfriend hated it to with its stupid blanket shields and so called advanced civilization holding a cage match to decide kings. Riding in on rhinos instead of the fucking air

I’ll day the only thing that needs to be said. Get good scrub. I’m sick of the part of the gaming community that wants to play games but not challenge themselves or others. It’s not a game if you strip away the challenge, it’s just a simulation. Wolfenstien is a game. Don’t like it? Trod off to some “digital