
It’s not “giving up” it’s just accepting that some things are out of your control, don’t get caught in the trap of thinking that just because you love someone that means they can eventually see reason, the people you love are no different from the strangers you’ve never met. I love my mother more than anyone in this

The average height in this country is 5'10" and yet in the 70 or so years since TV became big in politics almost all of our presidents have been 6 feet or taller, do you think that’s just a coincidence? In the last 100+ years Truman & Jimmy Carter were the only presidents below average height and neither of them were

As someone who generally believes that it’s worth it to try, don’t bother. A well thought out argument is only useful if the other person cares about facts, and if they cared about facts they wouldn’t still be supporting Trump 6 months into this trainwreck presidency. At this point it’d be the same as arguing with

Not really though, Shazam is actually a million times easier to do than Superman because you can just do it as comedy with serious parts, like Thor.

I at least get it with Wolf Among Us, it’s not nearly as famous as their other properties so it takes a back seat. The last Batman game was only 7 months ago and we’ve already got another season, this really makes me think they’re not bringing GoT back.

So does this mean they’re done with Game of Thrones?

The Telltale games are completely unrelated to the Arkham games, it’s a different timeline with different origin stories for the characters.

This has to be mental illness right? Everyone’s talking about how unfathomable this is but insanity isn’t unfathomable.

Second child and the next one came when I was a year old so I feel you, gotta say the difference between me and my siblings is pretty obvious so maybe there’s something to it.

Fun fact about #1 - In all the pirated copies of that episode the punk rock starts just BEFORE Jamie gets his hand chops off and replaces the rest of the audio, ruining the moment.

The slot machine one always gets me, if you give a shit about your (or in this case your father’s) characters seeing them on the side of a shitty slot machine has gotta hurt.

Before I watched the video I thought you were joking but holy shit, this really does look like satire.

He’s the one who said HE COULD BEAT FLOYD FUCKING MAYWEATHER IN A BOXING MATCH, you act as if we put the words in his mouth. When he loses he’s not getting exposed as an inferior fighter, he’s just getting exposed as a guy who talks shit he can’t back up. Now if he were another boxer, then he’d be getting exposed as

Boxers are called fighters just like MMA guys are called fighters, if we were talking about an MMA match the article would never have called Mayweather the best fighter but we’re not. McGregor is taking on Mayweather in a sport where he is the greatest fighter, that’s what the article is about.

You did it, we’ve officially abused the word “awkward” beyond all meaning.

I’m not sure exactly what your racist point is but it seems to be that bloggers shouldn’t use any word that you, King of the White people, wouldn’t use. Or do you have some definition of “universal” that won’t make you look stupid?

Settle down, I’m nearly 30 and I’ve been hearing that one my whole life.

It’s weird how excited seeing Super Mario RPG on the list made me, my SNES is working just fine and I already have that game, I should be fine and yet I feel compelled to buy this thing.

I’m not a communist but when I look at the ridiculous shit people spend money on it’s hard to argue against it...

Cross-platform play is good for everyone but the leading console, which happens to be PS4. This has nothing to do with protecting kids it’s just that for Sony the fact that people have to buy a PS4 to play with other PS4 owners is a huge asset for them and a disadvantage for Xbox, they’re not gonna give that advantage