
"Personality disorders are for loooooosers"

It may be the South Park fan in me, but after Clara died in this episode I hope they play off of the fact that Jenna is leaving & "kill" Clara in every episode.

As much as Stewart has pointed out in the past that he's not a very good actor, he sold that AA like a champ.

Last night's episode was sponsored by Arby's.

When they were giving them out free shortly after the launch I couldn't even finish all of mine.

They should totally use that if they ever turn them heel.

Bayley was already back at last weekend's NXT event wearing a soft cast.

Rose didn't have much time to tweak the gimmick in NXT before they started running vignettes for him on RAW.

I think the only reason I knew this guy was the designer for Ed Hardy was because there used to be a Christian Audigier nightclub at Treasure Island, I looked him up to figure out why he'd have a nightclub named after him, & was like "Oh, that guy"

I loved one of their early roadtrip Periscopes where Tyler & Sasha were trolling them in the comments.

I want to say that them being off TV for so long was part of their "offscreen turn" that NXT seems to be doing a lot. Tyler Breeze & Sasha are both working face now, I don't remember anything happening onscreen to prompt it.

"Shemaus defeated Roman Reigns"

"C'mon Byron, just rest your head, you're not talking, you're not saying anything anyway, why don't you just take a nap or something?"

That reminds me of one of my favorite parts of the Oliver segment, that it requires 2/3rds vote to lower the flag. "They were going to go with 3/5ths, but they thought it was a little too on the nose"

My favorite from just skimming the first half "Name: BUTTOCKS, SYDNEYS VOLUPTOUS"

Nah, they only did performances each night. Pretty sure the performances were all tapes on one day, & then spread out over the course of the week as I seem to remember the members of Metallica wearing the exact same clothes during every appearance.

Let the bears pay the bear tax, I pay the Homer tax!

Eh, they already shot everything for this season, so it wouldn't be until next season.

You're doing tallboys instead of 12oz cans, that's gotta count as some kinda workout, right?

After the whole "suspension" thing with Stephanie, I was kinda like, "wait, did they just turn Brock face by having him decimate everyone at ringside?"