But everybody's going to die of heatstroke at the 2018 World Cup, so none of this speculation matters. It's time to start growing soccer players in vats.
But everybody's going to die of heatstroke at the 2018 World Cup, so none of this speculation matters. It's time to start growing soccer players in vats.
Yes, because dudes with Samsung and Emirates Airlines logos scrawled across their uniforms are obviously not in any way involved with commercial sponsors.
I don't have any problem with the CG. I think it's used tastefully here. I guess I just find the overall pacing and direction of the original transformation to be more compact and pleasing to the eye, and the old music is also much better. Can't really beat the look of animation from that particular period in anime.
Actually, the world has had its eyes on Brazil over the last couple years because of enormous protests that went down there. We didn't need the World Cup in order to see what was going on then. The reason why there's attention right now is because what people in Brazil are complaining about is directly related to the…
You do realize that a movie based on previous source material doesn't just write/direct itself, right? Kubrick wrote the screenplays for almost all of the movies he directed. You're not really explaining how he's derivative (I was expecting perhaps more of a visual analysis, or at least something remotely related to…
There's a difference between having influences (all artists have influences) and being derivative. I defy you to point out how Kubrick was the latter.
Umm, who actually thinks that?
Oh, my god. I feel so baited right now. I'm about to get super angry.
*assumes lobomobilejr is a brostep fan* *smiles out of pure, unadulterated happiness that he is not lobomobilejr*
Nobody does what you're talking about here! You are crazy! Just stop, already!
The situation you're talking about is not what's at play here. There are games that are designed for consoles, and are then ported to PC. Assets aren't withheld in those cases. The game itself is simply targeted to an ultimately less powerful platform from the start, and that ends up being reflected in the subsequent…
What in the hell are you talking about? I don't even own the game. My previous response was directed at the level of delusion you must suffer from in order to believe that there's some grand conspiracy not to offend the "almighty consoles." Are you even thinking before you type?
This is pretty awesome, but I gotta admit, a small, cynical part of me wants to say that this is only maybe two steps above fire performance and unicycling in the pantheon of embarrassing Gen X pastimes.
Because consoles. Cant make the PC version look infinitely better or it makes the almighty consoles look bad and we cant piss off sony or ms now can we? *sigh* -_-
I mean, are you performing actual tests, or are you just going by your own moment-to-moment observations? If somebody did extensive testing on this, I'd be more inclined to accept such observations as having value. In the absence of that, all I can say is that observing the game in an informal way doesn't disprove…
Well I mean, doesn't their explanation make a bit more sense? There's no reason why Ubisoft would want to purposely hobble their product. I'm far more inclined to believe that they were minimizing instability and maximizing overall user experience than I am to believe that they somehow were acting as comic book…
So exactly why would Ubisoft purposely do that? To make customers feel cheated? I don't get it what their motive is supposed to be. Were they sitting in a room laughing about how the files to make the game look great were right there, but made unavailable to the users?
EGM and GamePro were my shit back in the 90s. I would constantly be waiting for the next issue to see what was on the horizon, and re-read certain bits over and over again when they contained info about games I was dying to get (NBA Jam on Genesis/SNES!). And of course, I'd salivate over previews about next-gen…
Sure, those people should be worried, but I'm not so sure that the entire gaming public and gaming media needs to be worried on their behalf.
No, the people being punished are those who run servers that charge a la carte for features. There are tons of great Minecraft servers out there that only charge for server whitelisting, and those servers won't be affected.