
I have absolutely no problem with this. Server operators won't be prevented from having paid whitelisting (i.e. paying to never have to wait on a queue if the server's full), which really is the only legit, non-rip-off pay model for a Minecraft server anyway. Services that do a la carte payment for individual plug-in

Shouldn't people be asking why there aren't more video games that star female characters from the outset, as a function of the game's story? It feels like concession to the status quo to gripe about a lack of female avatars. If an avatar was all we were ever going to get anyway, that doesn't really count as a

It's not necessarily that people didn't like Kinect. It's that Kinect was packaged in with the XB1, but had very few compelling game-based implementations (the fact that this game is a highlight for the Kinect says a lot), making it essentially a $100 glorified remote control. Microsoft waited to see if developers

I mean, this is an interesting game, but is it really that good?

Yeah, I really don't think learning this stuff can hurt. The APIs are very useful to learn, and knowing Objective-C will make the process of learning them easier. Also, even after Xcode 6 and Swift are officially released next Fall, your Objective-C code will compile just like before. When the time comes, a good

My two cents: I wouldn't go out of my way to buy a book strictly dedicated to learning Objective-C (e.g. Kochan) at this point. However, a book on iOS programming (e.g. Big Nerd Ranch), for example, would teach you a lot about the Cocoa Touch framework, which is still very much in play (you'll just be using the

Language basics are also available in Apple's web documentation.

You can get Xcode 6 Beta and play around with Swift if you join the Apple Developer program. It's $99/year, so probably not worth it just to get your hands on Swift. But if you're already signed up, you can go ahead and dive in right now.

There is no "perfect" programming language, so you're always compromising something in the process of developing one.

I love how the kid who says "Let me shoot myself" thinks he's above all of this, but is sporting straight-up classic 90s styling throughout.

Exactly. Basically zero people learned about the internet from videos like this. Most of us just sort of felt our way around, which was an amazing experience that kids growing up today won't really be able to have. These days, you're already sort of locked into web ecosystems like Google and Facebook. Shit, even using

Well, no. That's not called technological advancement. It's called games getting bigger.

But everything pretty much seems like a natural transition, no? I'm not sure we're in for any major shifts that our ordinary lives won't require us to keep up to date on. The reason why computers represented such a great generational divide is because computers were, for quite a long time, not something for ordinary

Yeah, I totally get that. You'll definitely get a more "world class" working environment at a real studio. I'm not suggesting that most people will be successfully laying down jazz records in their bedrooms. But when it comes to electronic music, in particular—and this is a pretty dominant genre at the moment—it's

If you're trying to record Led Zeppelin in the 1970s, you have a point. I shouldn't have said "studio quality." I should have said "commercial quality," i.e. something you can listen to and which sounds "professional," even though it was recorded essentially in a bedroom. And yes, you can do that with a few thousand

I'm 33, and it makes me feel old. I used computers like this when I was in elementary school (one computer lab had Apple IIe's and another had Apple IIgs's). We actually learned how to type on IBM Selectric typewriters. In the 4th grade, I'm pretty sure I was one of the lucky kids who got to be in the homeroom with a

Well, then you understand that recording in a studio is not some totally neutral "best scenario." You can record anywhere. If the character of the space lends itself to the overall production, then there's nothing wrong with it. Also, it's not that difficult, or expensive, to treat a room in your home in order to make

You don't know what you're talking about.

At the same time, Apple is a corporation with a brand, in a country where it's routine for "family" groups to go on the warpath (not to mention cynical politicians who see advantage in catering to these groups) over shit just like this. Let's not expect Apple to save us here. They have a bottom line, and they're going