
You're really grasping here. So did ANTVR "learn" making the unit compatible with multiple platforms, not just PC? Also, they appear to have taken a radically different approach to how the device presents images to the user, adopting an aspherical lens in order to correct edge distortion. Why would they take that step

So in other words, you think they just designed all that shit, the controller, the headset, and made the video, in the time that passed since Oculus sold to Facebook? Come the fuck on.

Look at the components on the table. What VR device is not going to possess these or similar components? Why isn't the Morpheus routinely accused of being an Oculus knock-off? Is it just because Sony has a world-class design team working on the aesthetics of it? ANTVR is trying to raise like $200k. Their device looks

Ugh, this VR headset goes on your head? Another Oculus rip-off!

I don't know why, but I have a feeling that there's gonna be a lot of hype for this one. Anybody else feel this way?

Okay, well do you know "what's happening under the hood" here? Or are you just assuming that it's a reverse engineering job on the Oculus? Because it seems to me that you're just jumping from "headset looks similar" to "must be a 1:1 ripoff." And I find it particularly annoying, because it feels like this is just the

On what basis?

But they're not "ripping off" the headset. What they've made, and what Oculus has made, well, that's pretty much what a VR headset was always going to look like. Even VR units from decades ago look like that, essentially. There's nothing being "ripped off."

"Ripoff"? What is that even supposed to mean in this context? It's not like Oculus was the first company to ever attempt VR. Headsets of the past followed the same basic principles as we're seeing with these newer attempts. The main difference is that the technology now is up to snuff. It's powerful, accessible,

VR is way over-hyped, for sure, but I think it's quite a different animal from motion control as realized in Kinect, Eye, and so on. The encouraging thing about VR is that it's still very much in the tech-development stage, and Oculus, the biggest player, doesn't seem like they're trying to rush it to market just so

Precisely. This should settle, once and for all, whether lack of adoption for Kinect (the first version) was due to it being an accessory, or whether it was just an overall lack of developer interest. Anybody who can't see it's the latter, at this point, is just willfully blind. Microsoft ran their little experiment,

Same here. I was calling this shit from day one, and most of the replies I got were like "No way they'll ever do that! Kinect is the future! Anyway, you're just a Sony fanboy!"

I called this one from the very moment Kinect integration was announced. I wonder if all the people who insisted that "MS will never remove Kinect integration! Kinect is the future!" will go ahead and eat their hats now. It was clear from the very beginning, at least to anybody who wasn't an irrational fanboy, that

Oh yes, he definitely becomes more aware of others. This is what makes Jaime an interesting character. We like to see characters change. But having a new awareness does not add up to redemption. Jaime still, for example, exhibits absolutely no love for his biological children, instead sticking to an entirely selfish

What I and others would argue is that these uncomfortable sex scenes don't always signify rape, even if they would be rape when enacted in the real world. It seems that what a lot of culture critics want to deny—yet only, seemingly, when it comes to the issue of rape—is that there can ever be dramatic subtext in such

In real life, "no" definitely equals rape. In a dramatic space, it's not so black and white. It's a fairly common, even if inelegant and unsubtle, dramatic strategy to have an uncomfortable sex scene play out underlying character conflicts in a non-verbal fashion. No one is saying that this necessarily constitutes

Wait, I think the OP makes a totally valid point, though. So many of the claims made by the culture critics who talk about GoT and whatever else are predicated on a wretched form of reasoning. What everything eventually boils down to is "all stuff affects all other stuff, so I can make a direct link from this one

No, his character arc is NOT about becoming a better, more sympathetic person. Seriously, you act as though you've seen the whole show before it's even been made. Those of us who've read the books know that there is no black-to-white redemption story for Jaime. And if that somehow changes in the last two unpublished

What I don't understand is the fixation these people have with actually embedding the stuff under their skin. I get the sort of sci-fi fiction-based romance of the prospect, but in practical terms, it just about the least efficient way to keep tech on/around you (assuming that it will need upgrades, which will, of

1) My dislike of soccer has nothing to do with patience. It has to do with the fact that soccer is only truly interesting to people who play or have played it extensively.