
My experience is completely different. Most of the soccer fans I've known have either been essentially uninterested in any other sports (particularly the major ones like football and baseball), or they've had some sort of connection to Europe and European culture, for example, an American with Scottish heritage who's

Well, you're talking about Americans, presumably. I don't think they represent the average soccer fan. In fact, that's precisely what I'm getting at. These are relative Johnny-come-lately types. Their fandom isn't the same as the sort you see in the rest of the world. I live in Korea, and most boys grow up playing

That's a nice anecdote.

I've often tried to wrap my head around why so many people in the world love soccer, and I really feel like what it boils down to is this: if you played soccer as a kid, or if you still play it, you'll like it. If you didn't play soccer, and you still don't, its appeal will tend to be utterly alien. I just can't

Listen, I don't have any problem with people who understand and accept the complexity of soccer fandom, as I'm sure many soccer fans do. But many American soccer fans assume that non-fans are philistines, and even as they berate the low-brow sporting tastes of others, they completely ignore the world-class

It sounds like you're trying to troll with that last sentence, but you're actually dead-on correct. Not only is soccer a terribly boring game (no really, soccer fans, it fucking is), but the fans are infinitely more meatheaded at the extreme end of things than fans of any sport with a mainstream following in America.

Voting does matter. But voting for somebody just so you can say you participated is stupid. If every single option is a bad one, then voting for one of them "just because" only reinforces badness. Nobody is going to straighten their shit out if they know you're casting a vote either way.

Shit. I bet everything on Pie-Oh-My.

This could be due to insufficient ROI to justify cost without heavy amounts of subsidized revenue, especially with current cable technologies; which, is a legitimate business concern.

What do you mean "you people"?

You think that's enough drama, Catholics? I dunno, I think you might be able to squeeze a little bit more drama into that room.

Unfortunately, nobody else deserves what they get as a result.

I don't get why people continue to conflate "something bad happening to X" to "the show must really hate X's gender," or whatever else. It's drama. Conflict is going to play out. Why? Because it's the driving force of drama. The conflict in Game Of Thrones is, yes, centered very much on violence. And yet, it's only if

China is a big concern, but ultimately secondary the immediate threat to the civilian population of South Korea if a shooting war broke out. We wouldn't be able to neutralize North Korea's offensive capabilities before they were able to do massive damage to the Seoul metro area. That's why everyone walks on eggshells

They have like 10,000 pieces of artillery pointed at South Korea. That's why. There is no scenario in which an outside power attempts regime change and Seoul isn't turned into a parking lot before NK's offensive capabilities can be dealt with.

Dude looks like he's about to give a rousing TED speech right here, tho.

Probably because cops routinely, like, straight-up kill people and get away with it, so why would tripping result in any kind of blowback?

Christians in Korea are so utterly muted compared to American evangelicals. I haven't met a single Christian here who was mean, spiteful, vindictive, pushy, or whatever else. You can sort of "tell" when somebody's Christian in America. Here it's more or less invisible at the individual level. There isn't all this

That's a good point. A couple of the photos make it clear that there are windows in the atrium ceiling.

I could definitely have done without the fanboy bros cheering in the background every time the littlest, non-amazing thing happened in the game. So many hopes have been pinned on Star Citizen at this point that I don't think it can help becoming a disappointment. I've seen people tout it as a "replacement" for pretty