Is this a $20000 coupon I can apply to any Acura/Honda car?
Is this a $20000 coupon I can apply to any Acura/Honda car?
The description “too fucking goofy” always suggests a sharp eye for aesthetics.
Is it "fair" to point out a sales increase for an immature company that was struggling to generate a few thousand cars a week a year ago? Compared to 10 years ago , Tesla is doing great!
I bet they don’t sell that many “Oak Leaf Red” with the V-6, white interior, driver safety package, either, but they offer them.
A China built Buick! That's like multiplying 0x0 reliability!
I think they should bring sails back. That would be different, sails.
You aren't serious? Anything that helps you avoid an automatic Chrysler transmission isn't "a choice", but "a necessity"!
They can do whatever they want, just don’t come to the taxpayers with your hands out when the roof caves in.
So the food is ridiculously expensive and contaminated?
Winter,all season, summer?
I’ve done it for years. Brakes wear out much faster than clutches. I’ve never had any manual transmission issues and on all my >200k miles MTs, clutch worked like new.
70k miles per car and “no problems”!
There, the fake “ equivalency” argument autocrats love.
“Tool for Autocratic Oppressors"
You missed "southern NH". There's this little issue called "snow"...
Didn't they use manuals in formula 1 for years? Why couldn't a manual "keep up" with a Mazda hatchback?
I love people playing “we don’t understand the culture” nonsense when it comes to oppression.
The Chinese Communists have killed more people, suppressed more people, than any group of people in history.
It’s a huge waste of money-you can get a quite spacious hatchback for half the Highlander’s price. And MPG for the hatchback is 50-100% more.
Yes, I see people with a green light, eyes fixed forward, accelerating thru intersections all the time. I always assume someone will run the light and always look "both ways" , like I was told to when I was a child.