S Krycek

I'm not uncomfortable with white.

Media Matters is not a credible source to me. It may be to you, but it's not to me, and a hell of a lot of other people. Try gay magazine The Advocate…

Sonia tweeted 8 hours ago "Could you guys just keep reminding me to not read the comments on tonight's THE LEFTOVERS review bc lolllllllllllll"

For a laugh riot see Sonia's "criticism" of selfies… and how they are enslaving women or something

Fuck the AV Club. I'm never coming back. This blog exposes the infantile mind of Sonia Saraiya, multiple times a day she posts infantile childish photos, when she should be honing her skills as a worthy reviewer of filmed entertainment. And if you want to LOL at one of Sonia's articles from 2

If Sonia was fired, these comments wouldn't be here. If she is fired, they won't be here. She must be fired. Well enforced hiring is needed before well enforced moderating. If well enforced hiring took place in the first place, there wouldn't be 400 comments explaining how awful Sonia is at her job.

Oh don't worry, at least 75% of people don't have any respect left for the reviewer. You are right, she's not worth your time, she's not worth Onion Inc's dime, and she has no future in TV reviewing, she can try, but she's only going to be inundated with 400 comments about how much she sucks, every time.

The Indian laundry OWNERS, were not 'attacked'. The 'hate crime' phrase was wheeled out for serious things such as I don't know, murder by stoning.

Not internet critics, only cultural marxist poison spreaders that should never even be allowed to work as mainstream reviewers anywhere, they are so polarizing and poisonous I don't know how this one ever got a job. Universally loathed, even by people that politically agree with her, this reviewer has got to go. I

Probably time to stop even reading AV Club. Infected with undereducated politically correct retards the last couple of years. Totally gone downhill. Every single episode of cable drama that I come here to read is parsed for PC worthiness, flecked with unwelcome political commentary on the part of the retard

Sonia needs to be fired for her clear racism against whites. And her xenophobia.

One of Matthew Shepard's (you spelled it wrong) killers was a man who had sex with men. Matthew Shepard was a meth dealer. Almost everything you think you know about this crime, is wrong. Further investigation has revealed homosexuality to be at the periphery, of this crime, not the central motivation. Again, Matthew