My ADHD is like yours where there’s a ton of unfinished things but there’s the opposite end of that spectrum that’s like ‘there is one last thing out of place and it’s driving me fucking bonkers’
My ADHD is like yours where there’s a ton of unfinished things but there’s the opposite end of that spectrum that’s like ‘there is one last thing out of place and it’s driving me fucking bonkers’
Jeremy “DisguisedToast” Wang, who you might remember from his grueling shiny Pokémon ordeal earlier this week, is moving from Twitch to Facebook Gaming. This exclusivity deal comes in the wake of similar Twitch departures from high-profile streamers like Tyler “Ninja” Blevins, Michael “Shroud” Grzesiek, and Jack…
You are mother fucking right it did!
It looked like some kind of, I don’t know, fire drill perhaps?
Seems like I remember a Deadspin post some years back where many, many commenters just hated on Yuengling. But I’m with you, it’s refreshing, and since I don’t like beer much anyway I find it serviceable when I do drink it.
The entire fucking thread, and it took to the 2nd to last comment for the correct cheap beer answer.
Open your eyes, you dunce. The box scores have been infiltrated by Jeter and his cronies, so that gullible sheep like you will believe the Marlins scored 11 in an inning when it was, in fact, the Brewers. This is some of that “fake news” I’ve been hearing so much about the past few years.
hope they left a gift basket after all that scoring
Finally, a video that belongs on Deadspin.
Chernobyl site tours are both safe and illuminating
That’s a good onion ranking right there, Drew.
Six or seven kickers is a lot of kickers
They should open a sub shop together and call it We can’t identify a photoshopped jersey Mikes’.
If they're just going to give someone $69 million for being bad at hosting a talk show they could give it to me. I mean I haven't tried it or anything but I'll take the money and I know I would be awful on television.
Drew’s Mom:
If Ley’s mom doesn’t present Ass Team of the Year at the 2019 Deadspin awards it will prove life is meaningless and has no purpose.
“Aw, c’mon, your honor! So I threw a dildo. The guy next to me was yelling ‘SHIT!’ the whole game and nobody arrested him!”
Truly a crowning achievement.