
It’s in the basement of the Alamo.

Take away all the baggage angst you want, it still doesn’t matter. The real aggravation comes from half the plane standing up the SECOND the plane stops moving at the gate. Now I got Clint’s saggy asshole in my face for 10 minutes because he has to stake his claim to the aisle, nervously pacing, all just to go in

“@cowboys. Psst! Over here!” - @_RobertoAguayo

He’s just mad that JuJu didn’t play hide-and-seek with him.

I’m not saying Lovie was all that great,

I caught Hunt for the Wilderpeople on Hulu a few weeks back. That movie was really, really good.

Wow, I had no idea. I’ve been sitting on pins and needles for Thor to come out.

Computers have been beating my ass at Street Fighter for years.

I went on a ghost hunting thing at some old sanitarium with some friends who were way more into it than I was. I didn’t believe in ghosts, and I still don’t, but I definitely saw one.

Han’s First Shot: A Star Wars Story

I grew a beard so I wouldn’t have to shave as much, but unfortunately I still need to shave my most dreaded spot: the neck. I have some seriously thin skin on either side of my adam’s apple that gets chewed the fuck up no matter what I do.

I’d say it’s more like the end of Chain of Command. 

Yep, lots of drinking.

The only time I’m ever around a Chick-Fil-A is on Sundays. That shit pisses me off.

Their fries are great for the first 2 minutes they’re out of the fryer. Then they’re fine. The burgers are good, but nothing tremendous. Nevertheless, I always want to get In-and-Out whenever I go to California.

Oh no, whatever will we do without Martavis Bryant’s prodigious receiving numbers?

Everything flowed from the Giants’ use of the 12 personnel package, which features one running back, two tight ends, and two receivers. The vast majority of the NFL, including the Giants up to this point, primarily uses the 11 personnel

Whoomp! The Addams Family...there it is!

I think Seth is the worst part of the show; he’s not a good actor and he comes with a lot of baggage from doing Family Guy and Ted and all the other low-brow comedies.

When the Purge starts, I want my daughter to be extra stabby.