
Wouldn’t it be awesome if the NRA was sued to cover the cost of all this?

The lines are so huge at these events, that all a terrorist would have to do is explode something / shoot before the metal detection gates. I guess it would lower the terrorist’s artistic grade to pull something off outside of the gates rather than inside, but, really, the damage would be huge anyway. Go upstream,

yes! this dog is not very professional.

if I pretend to be a bomb will he do that cute doggy thing and smoosh his cold wet nose on my leg and make loud sniffing noises?

“It’s a terrifyingly violent world after all...”

actual photo of Disney’s bomb sniffing dog:

And here I was just surprised and pleased that in spite of “inforce,” he didn’t type “marshall law.”

Also, mentioning that he’s not on probation is only going to make us remember he never paid his dues for beating someone brutally.

I like your brain.

Chris Brown if you care about black lives you actually should care about gun control, because black men are disproportionately impacted by gun violence. 15 of the 30 people killed by guns each day are black men. I would argue that’s really the reason more isn’t done about gun control.

You can get some from the judges and the DA

Julia Louis-Dreyfus took that picture in the parking lot of the Lowe’s on Ramon Road in Palm Springs. Love that she is hanging out in my other neighborhood!

Y’all wanna take guns away so y’all can inforce martial law.

Seriously why would people think that anyone is trying to declare martial fucking law. My uncle said that he thinks Obama was trying to do this so he could throw out the constitution permanently. HOW FUCKING HIGH ARE YOU PEOPLE AND WHERE CAN I GET SOME.