
@Wolfbullet: I second that. QI, Mock the Week and Top Gear are some of the best shows BBC ever aired, and there's nowhere better than Dave to catch up with them on.

@JakeMG: Waxing Pedantic: Yeah, remember the sweet hat-throwing move? And the background music (Annie, are you OK?)?

@njchessboy: Exactly the same thing sprung to my mind! *hi5*

Tekken Tag Tournament was the last Tekken I actually enjoyed. After they changed around moves and graphically enhanced it in Tekken 4, it just felt a lot slower to me. Can't wait for this gem, though.

Jeez, of all the dictionaries he COULD'VE used, he went for Encarta. I didn't even know it was still up till now.

Does anyone know where to get Firefox 4 Beta 6 in 64-bit, then? I can't find the installers anywhere

@showbiz2: New ad campaign I think. Lots of people have been complaining about it - don't even really like it myself, but not complaining.

@Hello Mister Walrus: You said EXACTLY what I was thinking. Can't wait to get my hands on one of these beauts!

@Nethlem: Well, that's what the evil "homebrew community" is working on right now. I personally can't wait, either, seeing as RemotePlay was such a catastrophic failure.

@fuzzlemail: I could say the same about the real movies.

@Channan: Almost EXACTLY the way I do it. I did it after I got PayPal hacked once, all online shopping passwords are 11-characters, alphanumeric.

@espinha: Isn't there something about using custom APIs that gets your app banned?

@Vaddix: No0o0o0o0o0o0o!!!111

@Unionhawk: Yeah ... onboard graphics chips on laptops are terrible.

You know, for all the shit the PSPgo gets, I think we're lucky here in Europe. Seeing it advertised here with 10 (TEN!) free AAA games definitely makes me want to have one. That said, I'm still happy with my PSP-2000.

@Vaddix: Huh? I was expecting another Duke quote.