
@Vaddix: I oughtta break a broom handle off in your ass.

@Unionhawk: Errr ... something's really gone wrong for you?

@Cheef: Really? I was pretty mad when weed got reclassified here as a Class B drug, and all the dealers started giving out these 3.5g bags, because before that, you could get 5-8 grams easily for the same price.

@Vaddix: Eat shit and die.

@philselmer: Why not? I'm genuinely puzzled, everyone I know does.

@mrm: Depends on the dealer. £20 SHOULD get you 3.5g, but in practice you're lucky to get 2.5g.

@Jerkface: You need to be able to emulate a USB hub, and several devices connected to the hub. It can be done on a PC, no-one's really bothered because its infeasible to have a PC hooked up to a PS3 each time you boot it up.

@dragon83: Well, for the second time in this thread, thank you for stating the obvious.

@minusX: Actually, that's not really it. Its not a complete rehash of the dev backdoor. Its a heap overflow, and it does that by connecting and disconnecting devices when the PS3 is busy looking for the dev USB stick.

@R3nO_o: That, actually, is quite possible ;)

@Wozamil: Great. Another one who completely missed the point.

@RedCarmine: Indeed. I'm glad to have had this discussion. Was getting tired of how people were either "Fuck Sony!" or "Fuck the pirates!". Look at what jailbreaking did for the iPhone, you had multitasking waaaaaay before Apple even came out with it, and if I remember rightly, you even had copy-paste, which was hyped

From various places round the internet, it seems like it was only a minor change after all, since the PSGroove never claimed to work on any other firmware other than 3.42, it won't work till some changes are made (memory offsets - don't ask, I don't know).

@konaa: Its not actually all 60GB, a lot of the data on the disc is just padding. For example, I ripped my copy of Batman: Arkham Asylum to the hard drive, and it was only 10GB. All games are different, I'd think, though I'll only know for sure when I rip some more.

@RedCarmine: Well, if Sony has gotten any experience from the PSP, they'll make life hell for jaibreakers/hackers alike. The new games on the PSP are increasingly harder to run off the memory stick because of new firmware checks (the most notable game recently was MGS:PW, and I'm not sure if they finally did find a

@Deunan: No idea, the person's looking for donations. He's the guy who coded the original DC emulator, I think. The scene thinks he's legit, anyway. I personally can't wait :D

@dragon83: I can show you download links now.

@RedCarmine: I don't get your point. Jailbreaking allows piracy, but also allows lots of potential goodness, the first of which is what I posted above. Like I said to MasterDex, if someone doesn't want it, they don't have to have it. The piracy scene will be limited by two main factors

@-MasterDex-: But that's the problem right there, they're both linked together really tightly that it all depends on the user's moral instincts.