
@-MasterDex-: Well, you know, if you don't want it, you don't have to have it. I personally would prefer one less console on my TV stand. I'd given up hope long ago for backwards-compatibility, but if this works out, I can still play my 40-50 PS2 games on my PS3. Not only that, but there will undoubtedly be things

@PAULINK: How about being a little optimistic? Maybe someone genuinely has Dreamcast/PS2 games they'd like to play on their PS3. Even if they don't (for Dreamcast, anyway) its a great step forward for homebrew development. At worst, it'll be confined to lower firmwares, at best, it'll force Sony to pull their finger

@Kobun: Exactly. I'm not a fan of piracy, but given that Sony took out BC, and a homebrew developer is willing to put in the effort to code an emulator for it, I think the jailbreak is well worth it for those willing to appreciate it.

For all the people riding their high horse of jailbreak = piracy, check out some of the first homebrew available for the PS3:

@shizaam: Yeah, but the way its looking, there may be a custom firmware on the horizon anyway, similar to the PSP. Since the hack gives you the same privileges as the GameOS, I can't see any reason why you couldn't update through it to a modified version of GameOS.

How good is it against the iPhone 4's graphics chip? From the comments I see the benchmark isn't exactly a reliable measure of performance, so does anyone know of any cross-platform benchmarks?

@soulofaqua: Errr not as simple as that. They're not using Sony's software - was confirmed by ps3news and other well-known PS3 hacking forums. They coded a stack overflow which basically opened up the console to them.

@uppitycracker: You could've recovered the partition - it only deletes the partition headers when you do it from Windows setup. I did the exact same thing - after 10 minutes of cold sweat I gave it some rational thought and used Hiren's BootCD to recover it. Worked just fine ;)

@Wolf in command: Ahh. Perhaps I stand corrected then, I personally don't have a JTAG'd console, and all I can rely on are ramblings from some of the other forums I visit.

@manimatr0n: Some would call that highly inconsiderate of you - althought not as bluntly, I would say that people should learn to not be offended so easily :)

@Wittmershaus: Actually, no, he didn't say anything about an optical drive, he is referring to the 360 hard drive.

@AustinMiniMan: Wow, your triple post mesmerised ME. And I'm actually high right now, and I got his sentence the first time. Yay me!

To everyone here who thinks ALL modded Xbox 360 owners can play this, here's news for you - they CAN'T.

@Tevor_the_Third: A better analogy would be if the door was unlocked.

@Christopher Fritschi: I'm sorry I don't agree with your views at all. If this was true, the USA would've probably lost many wars to Russia with all the old MoH and CoD games - why was there no outcry then?

@Mex: SAME. *hi5*

@Sprzout: Usually on computer-controlled guitars, sliding/bending/whammy isn't possible. At least from what I've seen and tried at my university, anyway.

@HiroPro42: Yeah, it seems people on Giz haven't had any problems with it at all. I've had major issues trying to send files to my friends' iPhones, and trying to receive.