
@MuppetChrist: You've missed the point - as far as I can tell, it doesn't load downloaded games, it only plays rips. Hopefully we'll know with some more news, but on the few forums I've checked and other news sites, no-one can say for sure whether it'll run downloaded games as well.

@Brownski: To be completely honest, you can't call the iPhone's Bluetooth experience anything good, it is by far the worst on any phone I've ever used. Getting it to pair with ANYTHING is a pain in the arse, and if you do manage to, you can't really do much (can't send pics/vids over BT - I couldn't see any options,

@Reginald2: I didn't mean to offend, but facts are facts.

@iScuba: Wouldn't be a very fair place to live, where the rich get richer and the poor go down the spiral of poverty.

@Kovitlac: I read and heard it on Wikipedia, since then I've been able to pick it out in movies etc.

@PoG: Speaking of, I have some lovely "enhanced" cookies I'm eating right now. Care for a bite?

@Frogmum: Brilliant! I choked out my cookie when I read it :D

@Kenofthedead: I think a set of games that were awesome but forgotten was the Legacy of Kain series. Update that series for me (and please release the final game) and I'll be in love with whichever company does it.

@Chester Coat Sleaves is disappointed Dean is gone.: I don't think they have anything to do with collision detection. When they're porting a game, they just need to make sure it RUNS on the new platform, all other aspects of the game are better understood by the original team.

@Curves: I kind of think when you go into service, you should, sort of, expect the end at any time.

@Liam loves his Dell Latitude: I'm completely sorry, my bad. I misread iPod Touch as iPhone (just sat up and read and then realised). Sorry again. Friends? :)

@Liam loves his Dell Latitude: Isn't the iPhone also available in 16GB? I don't know if Frash (what a crap name) works on the iPhone 4 (and I'm not going to bother installing it on mine), but I'd question the validity of your claims,

@Mr.Affrox: Yeah, I think the concept is great, but my only gripe is with the bathroom, too. I would definitely want more room in there, enough to stretch my legs, and be able to take my laptop in, too :D

You only just heard about this?

@GrooveMonkey: Most titles I've played with the exception of Halo 3 work noticeably faster. Also saves wear and tear on the laser.