
I know they are a truck and I think you meant SUV (almost made the same damn typo).

From a different article:

I hope they have an option for a street setup on the truck (and suv?). I like everything the trucks doing, but face it im not super rugged outdoorsey boy and know my lane, its not offroading. Though I like and want literally everything else its puttin down.

If he gets voted in but I voted for Harris, how is this on me again?

Hes grabbing him by the subverting democracy.

For how much those two talk about Harris being a communist or marxist or whatever-ist...

THAT... that right there will be the secret sauce AND I think convert a LOT of people as well.

Its so early and I made a comment elsewhere that if prices hold even for the base model... its gonna be popular.

Why im hoping the STi makes a reappearance.  By the time I’m due... I would have been looking to move up to one, as is when my wrx sails into the great rallycross track in the sky... im probably moving on from subaru in general.

They need the scout plan to work, and work flawlessly.  They land that within reasonable expectations as far as price and promised specs and that will honestly probably save them.

With those price points? Everyone.

and half the damn price....

Those made me rock hard.

This was feb... its... quite a lot of cash

means once the cybercrap hype and sales slow to normal 1 order 1 fulfillment pace, does that make for one of the worst quarters ever for them then?

This will be what I remember him for the most. A cheap new under 30k ev thats a car? Id have held my nose and potentially gotten one. I doubt im the only one.

and how many people are enthusiastic about cvts to bother learning the difference?

Its comical how much better the app runs, like I know its not dealing with the amount of users twitter is, but.... still.

If a product or service is free, you are the product or service.

Its the natural hopeful evolution of them as well I’d hope.