
safety issues compared to batteries?... ehhhhhhh

So..... an electric wrx then :)

Oof that price tag.

I miss the square boxy foresters :\

I would kill for that many lb/ft from what... like 1500rpm? 

well... its a diesel even a shit one is pretty thermally efficient. 

It went down 1-2mpg from the previous engine. the 22MY isnt the same car as 21 and older down to 2015.

fulltime awd is a bitch on efficiency and the boxer is just flatout not the most efficient design.

Your local conditions and roads and driving habits may be more conducive to beating the estimate. Like my guy... its just that an estimated range. So pretty close is usually good enough.

So... was anyone else shocked mitsibishi is still actually making new vehicles?

Head Gaskets havnt really been a thing for quite a while even for the NA’s. Everything is running the turbo version MLS gaskets and have been for quite a while (anything post ~2012 should have the updated gasket).

Yeah I did it myself without really any issue. No idea how long it took me but it wasnt crazy difficult.

Having never even done it on this car before, maybe 1-2hours? Most of which was just figuring out stuff to take off and what not. One side WAS easier than the other though as it had a bit more room.

Cool.  You still didnt actually explain what you meant though.

Why must you hurt me.

I havnt found my maintenance difficult on my wrx ever.  Not sure what you mean by difficult. 

huh?  One of these things is not like the other.

Hm.. What about a fighting withdrawal?

Or tolls...

But if you want an R... well you are gonna get an R.