Everything is running the mls gaskets now.
Everything is running the mls gaskets now.
And properly done.... would be a hilariously fun car.
Not sure how one avoids a spray going across 4 lanes of the OTHER SIDE.
Yeah my fa20 wrx has it up top.... just so so satisfying having that there.
only on Tuesdays
uh huh.
I do too just to avoid having to come out of gear and use my clutch to get back started from first at a dead stop.
How you handle writing to it is just as important as quantity I would imagine.
Its not been reported because no one gives enough of a shit about this “mustang”.
Its why I enjoy reddit so much I think. Its forum twitter.
Start nicknaming my penis A-pillar.
Intentionally. Accidentally is just more news.
yeah.... nah.
At least we would have a use case for an mrap given our homicide rate?
Im not sure id call a jeep a speed demon pikes peak handling level of awesome either. Granted I will give you, that land cruisers are huge.
If every problem looks like a nail and you have the biggest hammer in existence... you are gonna use the hammer.
Would an F1 car be low enough to go UNDER a truck?
No. Its just fucking correct.
That guy never heard of time.... or distance? Glad im not the only one that noticed that.