
I was surprised that we never saw FrameWard again, I liked the idea that maybe he'd find a way to come into the real world and try to undo the damage real-Ward did. Unfortunately, the Framework's gone, so I can't imagine how they could explain Ward surviving. That said, the ratings did improve when Brett Dalton was

It IS accurate, though. Sean Spicer did hide (not IN the bushes, though, just beside or behind them) with his staff so he wouldn't have to face reporters after the Comey firing broke. I sympathize with the guy, but it IS funny. Somebody should have told Sean that when you swim with the sharks, you're gonna get bit.

Yeah but - and this is a big 'but' - there was nobody manipulating Ward from an outside source, the way Aida manipulated Fitz. Everything Ward did, he did of his own free will, without anybody pulling his strings. The same can't be said of Fitz. What Fitz "did" didn't even actually happen - it was all part of a

"I'm like Ward. I'm just like Ward."

…while singing soulful songs on his guitar and carrying around his orange cat…

Oh, no argument there - the role called for a straight romantic portrayal, and DiCaprio knew that when he accepted the role. But it was definitely not the kind of part he really liked playing, and I'm sure if he knew that it would come dangerously close to typecasting him because of the film's success he would have

Oscar Isaac is about the join the same club that Leonardo DiCaprio is in. Like Leo, he loves playing quirky parts, characters who are weird or 'out there' - and like Leo, he's about to get a TON of scripts where he plays a handsome straight leading man, because he's getting a lot of attention from "Star Wars", where

I'm going to guess that this part is about as far from Poe Dameron as you're likely to get.

I was thinking the same thing about Fitz. What the heck happened to his brain injury? At the beginning of the season he couldn't even make a complete sentence. Now it's like nothing ever happened to him. People do not recover from brain injuries like what he had. It's like the writers just said, "Eh, we don't like

You don't think Hugo Weaving's Red Skull was hamming it up? We must have been watching different movies…

Yeah, the 'razors grafted to her hands' doesn't even make sense. How do you go to the bathroom? Why would you do that to yourself when a knife/switchblade/gun is so much more effective? Kind of an idiotic thing to do to yourself…