
Rick’s being really good at killing stuff doesn’t make him any less pathetic of a person.

The issue is that many of the shows don’t “glorify violence or celebrate some guy acting like an asshole.”

Maybe it’s simply hilarious enough to imagine a racist robot?

Yeah, but it looks terrible, generic and made by people without talent or even an understanding of what star trek is. Orville felt like star trek fanfic. STD is aspiring to BAD star trek fanfic.

This. It’s as if somebody hasn’t watched the TNG pilot since it originally aired. The only remember the best of years of episodes.

And it’s not just the first season. Maybe we can make them watch all of the “Wesley saves the day” episodes for good measure.

There is a huge amount of hate for Seth on Gawker / Kinja / Jezebel.


He does good work, even if it’s not PC.

I thought the weird act breaks felt pretty a weird 70s throwback but I couldn’t tell if that was intention or sloppiness.

I’m a huge Star Trek fan and I’m sad to say this is more Trek than that piece of turd that’s heading this way. I actually enjoyed it. I’ve never seen a thing Seth has done before so I wasn’t expecting anything. I was not disappointed. Can’t wait for the next episode.

Honestly, I think MacFarlane is the only person in Hollywoo who has the gall to even try a straight up Star-Trek-with-the-serial-number-filed-off show.

I wonder if the same show with the same script would be getting a much more positive reception if MacFarlane wasn’t involved.

I’m aware of this. Based on the material I’ve seen, I maintain my original position. I’m willing to give them the opportunity to change my mind though

As godawful (i.e. explosion-centric) as Star Trek Discovery looks, I’m willing to give The Orville a full season of overly forgiving viewership, because it’s clearly the only shot we have at anything even remotely resembling real Star Trek any time soon. I wish he’d brought over some of the American Dad writers,

Not closest thing we’re likely to see, but closest thing I’m likely to give a shit about.

I’m super hyped about the prospect of a pleasant, good-natured show that may be funny in the long run. It’s been so long.

I liked it enough to keep watching. It was a bit generic, and full of exposition dumps, but that’s pilots for you. Hopefully it can sort itself out over the coming episodes.

Most of our “beloved” sci-fi/fantasy shows have a rough first episode/season before taking off. Remember how horrible the first episode/season of TNG was, for instance? If not, go back and watch it and let me know if you don’t cringe through the whole thing.

There was quite a lot of hate for this show early on (advance screenings I assume) ... and I just don’t get it.

Before anyone starts bitching about SJWs and movements for inclusivity hurting their pretendy-funtimes without remembering that, ultimately, DnD is a game based around cooperation: