

Can someone explain to me the upside of trying to punch someone wearing pads and a helmet?

  • Ugh

I love people that come out and openly mock the SEC.

Mike Rice should be given an opportunity to whip this team into shape.

I can respect what he was trying to achieve. "Remember" would have been far more respectful, however, it would have raised flags with the Gameday staff. I have no doubt it would have been confiscated at the secured entrance. They are notorious for screening.

Note: ESPN3.

We are talking about the State of Florida, right?

I would kill for that.

The only thing that could make this better would be if Sydney Leathers were somehow involved.

It's obvious this guy got lectured by his new girlfriend.

I would agree with that except the family is on the same roller coaster.

If she blew a .314, I want to know what else she blew that day.

I'm reading this story and the only thing that comes to mind is that I'm embarrassed that I didn't think of that first.

This will only come full circle when ESPN broadcasts Tebow tongue-fucking an Oreo. Shirtless.

ESPN's gonna have a fucking field day with this....