
Man, if only there was some alternative way for him to get his bike from Point A to Point B. 

I’ve already called the cops on you for this comment.

“Dave Thomas called homos “fairies” for years, and I’m the one getting in trouble here?! Where I grew up, if you had a queer kid on your block you would just tie them to the back of a pick up truck and have us a good ole fashioned fa-

Papa John’s has evicted Papa John.

The comments are a sample size of 30.

You’re a sample size of 1.

I support London’s decision to ban Uber, for example, because Black Cab drivers are fucking amazing.

Not sure if it looks like an epidemic, but it sure looks like you’re a piece of shit.


See you on Mars mothafokas,

profit is obviously not what motivates us

My detailed analysis is as follows: a bunch of fucking assholes bought the Newsweek brand, and put their fucking asshole editorial slant on it.

Most reasonable people like to see racist scum fail.

I know. Intolerance of intolerance is the worst kind of intolerance, isn’t it.

Hahahahahaha...sorry, let me catch my breath. With a 12, nigh 13 year old Audi you are basically buying yourself the scary Victorian house at the end of the street that everyone marvels at but you know people get murdered and turned into wall art in there. I’m telling you from experience, do NOT go in there.

My wife has this habit of getting in the car and before turning it on, she gets out her phone to queue up music, directions, w/e. But that phone use has a tendency to expand into checking texts, returning texts, checking snapchat, facebook, etc. Dear god woman, turn on the car, it’s 100F in here and I can’t even crack

Yeah, and don’t get me started about those E30 people.

Set aside this being simply unfunny without the weight of the context.....What God are you praying to in hopes someone is sexually assaulted? Why would you think sexual assault victims would take solice in more assaults and more people enduring what they have had to?

Oh, cool. Prison rape joke.