
You may be the only one that actually cares. That show was about the cars and the foursomes (including the stig) interactions with and adventures in them. Nobody gives a shit what they were wearing except when it was funny.

Stealing this from YouTube to get stars here.

a helmet

Buy a used Rolex and

And if I remember correctly, the 996 911 Turbo was the one version that did not suffer from IMS-bearing issues.

Actually, under the FIA’s sporting rules, his job is to attend the press conference if they tell him to…

Great read. If he’s sticking around I’ll be here more often than checking in 3 times a day.

“f-bomb”. Grow a pair mate.

‘Happy Dad’ is obviously not happy enough.

I’m not sure it was needless here.

I had to watch again after I saw your comment. I did not catch that at first. He is a douche for sure. The first move should have been to check on the people in the crowd. Especially considering the kids there. I don’t agree with having the kids that close to the street, but at the same time you need to control

Yeah it was the first thing I noticed too. That guy deserves a punch in the fucking teeth. What the fuck are you about you piece of shit? How about making sure the people who’s lives you endangered are ok? Fucking scumbags.

There is a major disconnect between the shiteater grin of the driver and the terror of the people trying to gather up their kids who luckily escaped being run over. “My bad, my bad.”

‘When Feerless Bleeder says “You land on this mark!” you land on mark, even if you gotta drop plane out of fucking SKY!’

As a Brit, I found him pleasant, amusing and he’s either was a gearhead, or could fake it well enough that I didn’t care. The worst parts were his forced interactions with Evans, so without that, hopefully he, and the show will continue to improve.

Did it occur to you that the rules might be different in the UK?

They should just change the company name to Firearri.

“Does anyone really think me asking those questions is going to have the slightest impact on the show, or Jalopnik?”

If you know that you’re going to have no impact on the show or Jalopnik, then why even bother posting? No Jalopnik writer/editor in their right mind is going to repeat your crazy rant poorly disguised