
Probably since were are not a failed state/despotic regime just yet? If Trump can pull out a win, you’ll probably get your wish though. We’ll be selling off our goodies for yuuuuuge profits!

More like, “I don’t understand DriveTribe but the check cleared.”

I’m not saying you’re doing it wrong, but a soldered joint done properly will be WAY stronger. A crimped union should be plenty strong though.

Nothing pissed me off more than when I make the perfect solder connection only to realize I forgot to put the heat shrink on first

Arrgh. That’s the most frustrating part. For one, in our context as a news outlet, it’s fair use. Here is a newsworthy item, and there is video of how it happened. Of course we’ll want to link to the video. People are going to want to analyze it after the fact to get a better understanding of just what went on. I can

Good move I think. He was good in the last season even though he was hobbled by the scripting - Chris Evans brought in one of his best mates and long time collaborators to do the script so it’s no surprise it ended up like it did. With any luck they’ll bring in some better writers to make his words sound more like his

it doesnt matter what you think is or isnt valuble.

The entire article is semi confusing. Isn’t speed in GB measured in Pounds Per Square Hour or some other equally obscure unit of measurement?

There’s no shortage of auto-enthusiast sites that cater to tea party wing nuts. Jalopnik exists somewhere slightly right of center, but feel free to fuck right off to somewhere else.

Someone needs a safe space.

This isn’t hate. If I truly hated it, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

You got Gawkered™! (That’s a great looking avatar you’ve got there, btw)

Who the hell drives in Comfort mode?!

Grand Tour just trolled Teresa May, by putting up a tweet saying James May has become PM and elected Hammond to be in charge of the budget. Jeremy would be Cabinet secetary ,so he can hold meeting saying power and speed nice troll guys.

Someone is going to have to tell the remain voters that people didn’t vote to leave for the reasons they keep asserting they did.

“Hi. I work at the BBC and my job is to vet our top presenters to make sure they don’t embarrass the station” said no one ever?

I guess punching a producer doesn’t seem so bad now, does it?

OK...someone help me out here, because I had to watch that video a few times while trying to figure this out. What kind of STUPID fucking people walk TOWARDS a gunshots to see what’s going on??????

Good. I couldn’t give a shit about the rest of Gawker, but Jalopnik and Gizmodo are about the only topic sites I give a shit about.

Awesome. It really puts good perspective on these reviews when the driver has the capability to push the car as hard as possible.