
Does it have Fever For The Flava by Hot Action Cop? No? It can’t be that good then.

So many press releases come down to “we tried to fuck over our customers because we got greedy, and now we’ve been called out on it and realise people don’t like being fucked over. We’re going to try to fuck people over a little less now in the hope that the outrage will blow over. We’re not sorry for being greedy,

I’m sticking with, “screw’em.”

It baffles me that vanilla D1 had Heroic Strikes on day one. Then after years of community feedback, Bungie improved Strikes over time with exclusive loot, scoring and buffs. Three years later the sequel arrives with no Heroic Strikes; only to have them come back behind a DLC paywall- without any of the previous

At this point, they’re not mistakes. These things aren’t accidental. They need to be not only more accountable, but have more common sense.

I didn’t even realize that the first expansion drops next week. That’s how far removed from this game I’ve become over the past month or so. While they had a solid launch and the first few weeks for good, they slipped back into their old habits and the new events, like Faction Rallies, just didn’t carry enough weight

New dominos is up there with pizza hut and freschetta is just slightly better than little ceasars.

It feels so pointless. It’s just the crucible and you work toward nothing substantive. I’ve got several packages and it’s been re-skinned guns and zero armor. I thought at first that the token system was a cool thing to handle some of the world content, now that I see they intend to use it for absolutely freaking

Dear Lord, the man said coon. So? Cracker, white devil, honkies etc. Nice civil words to call Caucasians, but that’s OK, huh?