Skootch Over

Great article. In Canada coupons are pretty restricted so you’ll get, for instance, a single dollar off a single jar of pasta sauce once. The one and only time I saw Extreme Couponing on TV I was mesmerized by visions of flats and flats of gatorade and body lotion lining my walls like a bunker for a well-hydrated end

Though, totally possible it’s a Marketing Ploy with Benefits.

I have sisters, but we interacted like brothers. Or like a pack of wild dogs.

As someone with three older brothers, I can confirm that childhood is essentially an amateur WWE production.

Let’s just stop any more White Males from entering the country until we get a handle on this problem.

Ignore him at your peril

When are these White males gonna stop raging? They raged against freeing Black people in the 1800’s because it threatened them in some way, they raged against the Italian, Irish and Jewish immigrants in the 19th and 20th century, they raged again against giving any equality to Black people in the 1960’s because (?),

Yes it is. My husband died in 2008 of a rare cancer after 18 months. Miserable.

I hate to break it to you, nothing prepares you to care for an ill spouse. It’s pretty fucking hard.

“No. Do you make crackers Brian?”

Now playing

Shut the fuck up. This is not an isolated situation in the US. Workers have no protections, fewer rights, and minuscule wages — though the 1% has seen obscene increases in wealth since 2008 (and since the 1970s overall). What about the father not having health benefits at his work? What about a longer maternity leave?

Dude, this is an article about a dead baby. Seriously? You wanna be that guy?

They are here to colonize us. They hail from planet WideTie67 and they do not come in peace.

Related: Today I went to a different place for lunch than I usually do - further downtown. And in line behind me were SEVEN old white guys wearing white or pale blue dress shirts with silky, boldly-striped ties a mile wide. Seven, in a row, with nobody else in line. They all appeared to be there separately, too - no

“Don’t listen to Yoko, y’all” is a good rule to follow