
Tsk tsk

King of the Road is the best thing on Thursdays and might be the best thing on television at the moment. Viceland @ 10 central.

It seems like the show itself is adapting as well, by adding more camera movement and variety of shots. It seems like it's moving away from the theatrical piece it started as in the first episode to that of a more conventional tv program. For example the close/med shot of Horace in the chair talking with Sylvia

For those curious about the heroin experience, I have smoked it 3 times after initially being told it was opium (which i guess it technically is). We placed a ball of it on foil, lit the bottom with a lighter and inhaled the smoke through a straw. It felt great, euphoric even. Your entire body feels warm from the

Sick takedown, bro. TSO, report to the burn unit.

Exactly. We've all seen the Cabin story a hundred times. I had zero interest in those characters.

Becca obviously won the discussion. While Cabin in the Woods was clever, it was forgettable and formulaic. It Follows was also a disappointment. Who enjoys watching teenagers have sex?

I named my dog Boosh.