
Because without explicit mention of ‘in the context of speedrunning’, a reasonable person would assume the shortcut was a long-hidden Easter egg. That sort of thing not being found for over a decade would be pretty interesting!


Why, Sally! That’s almost...*churlish*!”

He voiced Dr. Impossible yet looks more like Plastic Man.

There’s only one Reed Richards I’ll accept

It was handled so well because it really wasn’t “handled” at all. The arc was simple.

This show often gets mired in melodrama so I was afraid they’d handle this arc with similar handwringingness that’s brought to Allison’s BUT MY DAAAAAUGHTER arc, but I really enjoyed how it was a thing they acknowledged as important and then kind of moved on.  Loved the scene with Diego and Luther, where Luther wants

So many of these anti-trans laws are anti M>F, completely ignoring that people like Elliot are even part of it.

In addition to being better than Doctor Strange at just about Everything, EEAAO beats it at the most important metric of all, the number of butt plug powered fight scenes. I’ve been saying for years that the butt plug count in the MCU has been downright terrible, practically non-existent even, and it’s finally coming

Fuck you, Netflix.

The oddest detail about the current state of Smash Mouth was a year or so ago when an article about all the COVID cases that popped up due to the Sturgis motorcycle rally mentioned that Smash Mouth played.

Fair point. Given 2 years of Covid, I forgot those were all actual things people did.

Sure he does. People take way less than their labor is actually worth all the time, it’s one of the big issues of our time and part of the whole minimum wage conversation. It’s not insulting to say that they should be paid more, it’s insulting that they don’t get paid fair wages from the jump, even if they’re

Ladies and gentlemen, this man is for the birds!

Y’know, I don’t want to be a pottymouth here, but I’m starting to think this Joss Whedon guy is kind of a jerk.

To be fair, a lot of people do hate Daniel Day-Lewis for his process.

I mentioned this in the episode review, but the New Yorker profile is a shining example of a specific passive aggressive profiling tactic you use when you really don’t like the person you’re writing about but want to preserve a veneer of objectivity: you just let them talk and then find a way to include every

I felt defensive for him after I read the profile. As I remember, nobody claimed he mistreated them or was an asshole. If we blame him for his process, we must also blame his mentor, Daniel Day-Lewis for his well-known similiar process, the one that’s earned him three Oscars and a reputation as one of the greatest