Totally. He was dead weight, and really fit me the series takes off as soon as they got rid of him.
Totally. He was dead weight, and really fit me the series takes off as soon as they got rid of him.
Dude was a creep and getting rid of and never mentioning him again was a solid decision.
More like Blandanowicz, amiright?
an NFT is basically a file that is a unique cryptocurrency token that links to a web page. because it’s a unique file people think that makes it more special than just normal cyptocurrency like bitcoin because it’s value can fluctuate alot more. the goal with this stuff seems to have been to give artists a way to…
that’s because they didn’t write any stories. they came up with a world and some basic characters. the goal here seems to be to get other people to write stories in this world with these characters they created and if they’re good enough “make them canon” which is nice way of saying “you’re paying us to work on our…
I’ve tried to keep up on what exactly NFTs are, and what this particular case means, and uh, is, but nope. This article seemed to sum up exactly what came to mind as I read through this dribble, it’s a scam. Plain and simple. It’s smoke and mirrors, and just a lot of dumb gobilty-gook words that mean nothing really.
“Which is all well and good, but the thing about attacking NFTs about their environmental issues is that it deflects attention from the main problem with them, one that can’t be waved off so easily: that they’re an enormous scam”
as someone in recovery and having seen the successes and failures of so many people in my recovery meetings, people aren’t textbooks and most of the ideas around addiction are quickly losing merit. especially as we learn how dangerous the purist/disease model and all the “red flag projections” baggage it carries with…
“and a really big continuity problem”
“ But also...cope. It’s not personal. It’s the result of a global pandemic that has killed ~4.5 million people (so far).”
But trainwrecks are typically best seen on the big screen.
I still don’t get the need for directors to keep giving this incredibly lukewarm take. Yeah it sucks that the movie you made, a labor of love, didn’t get a full theatrical run. But also...cope. It’s not personal. It’s the result of a global pandemic that has killed ~4.5 million people (so far).
I wish I had watched it on a phone.
She should be more heartbroken by what a mediocre film she made.
Well, the movie was also BAD amirite??? :P :P :P
I remember liking the “moment of Zen” thing though I think I wasn’t watching full episodes; other than that at this point I don’t have real memories of the Kilborn shows, but in a way I think they were useful context for what came later. A lot of people responded to the peak of the Stewart era like the point of the…
Coffin Flop had me in tears. “They’re saying Coffin Flop is not a show. It’s just hours and hours of footage of real people falling out of coffins at funerals. There’s no explanation, just body after body busting out of shit wood and hitting pavement.” Kills me... just the dumbest thinnest premise turned hilarious!
I’ve tried explaining the nuance/brilliance of this show to my girlfriend, but she’s pretty convinced that his petulant and aggrieved characters are somehow the true nature of Tim Robinson, and therefore refuses to watch ITYSL with me/at all.
You haven’t seen the whole series? You must! It’s in the top tier of 21st century cartoons. Pretty much unrivalled in terms of sheer, unbridled imagination. Even as an adult the show is so well-constructed.
I’m sorry, calling Grodin a “Beethoven star” is like calling Christopher Walken a “Kangaroo Jack” star. Do better.