
You can run... Just don't run in a straight line.

I have to point out that you said he only has done a crosswind 'once or twice'. I've done probably 20 crosswinds, mainly because the field I flew out of had regular crosswinds - they were a bit freaky at first, but after a while, they really do tend toward being routine.

'Four' ... you keep using that word. I do not think it means, what you think it means.

Completely disagree. When you provide a service, for free, with no contract to the 'users' there is no implicit promise that you update it, make it fast, spend more money on it, etc. That's like saying that the sun implicitly promised to shine tomorrow since it is shining today. It may or it may not - it owes you

Sounds like a bunch of whiners. "HOW DARE YOU NOT MAKE MY FREE WIFI FASTER!"

"And you still need to find a way to pay for a data plan. "

I can think of a 'few' people during the Crusades that would agree that the bible, and those that believe in it, are a threat.

In that case, just do what I do... Use the TV as your AV Switching source with the Audio out from the TV fed to your high-end receiver.

It appears you have very little experience setting up home theater systems. This is not uncommon, and for the 'middle-experience' users, they fall into the same trap you did. "Novices" will plug directly into their TV and have no problems. Experts will realize that most AV equipment sold now have HDMI inputs, of

The article is very misleading; it makes is sounds like a drone was flying in public airspace and crashed. This was a highly controlled area, where unmanned vehicles have been flying, crashing, and getting shot down, for a very long time. The test site used automatic safety mechanisms to bring the unmanned aircraft


What T-Mobile is very hush-hush about on those prepaid plans, (the one you referenced) is that you get ZERO data while roaming. What a crock.

"...a machine -connected to the internet and featuring a camera which is always listening - might be a problem."

You know what the Pixel reminds me of?

::sarcasm:: That must be why all long endurance aircraft are designed with propellers ::sarcasm::

How do you get around that at the theater though? I _hate_ it when the trailers are so long, and so detailed that you basically see the entire movie - seems to be the trend now-a-days.

You realize the Air Force article said he would be proud of the racial integration of the team; not the weapons the team possesses?

LOL - Since when is there no gravity in space!?